Live Review: Ojai, Ione at fabulous O’Leaver’s; Color Green, The Dirts, Chew, Size Queen tonight…

Category: Reviews — Tags: , , , — @ 8:30 am March 18, 2024

Ojai at O’Leaver’s, March 16, 2024.

By Tim McMahan,

Just getting to O’Leaver’s has become something of a nightmare with all the friggin’ road construction. Once through the maze of barricades along Leavenworth and Saddle Creek Saturday night, I found a parking lot chock full on both sides of the volleyball courts and almost expected to be turned back at the door. Inside, O’Leaver’s was comfortably filled but not cram packed (So where were all those people who own all those cars?). 

Ione at O’Leaver’s, March 16, 2024.

Ione was already halfway through her set playing in front of a woman-heavy crowd (a rarity for O’Leaver’s). Fronting a three-piece band, Ione stood alone with microphone in hand, a true pop crooner. There’s no denying she has a killer voice, polished and radio-friendly with all the familiar nuances heard on modern pop records, and I have no doubt if she keeps at it we’ll be seeing her on television one day singing a style of pop music that isn’t my cup of tea.

Interestingly, “Ione” has second persona — a side-act called Safe Space, which is a duo with her guitarist whose songs border on modern indie music a la Phoebe but not quite. She appears to be trying to cover all the bases with Safe Space, which is admirable and curious considering how much time she’s invested in her Ione brand. I was told months ago Ione was moving to Chicago. Better see her while you still can — her and he band are opening for Wyrmwood March 29 at Benson Theater. 

No doubt a large portion of the crowd Saturday was there for Ione as the place thinned out for Ojai. A trio fronted by guitarist / songwriter Michael Hulstein, their set was marred by an audio mix that put the bass way out front above all else. Bassist Micah Renner indeed has awesome bass-playing chops but I doubt even he would want his bass to be so prominent in the mix – it overpowered everything on stage. 

Meanwhile, Tanner Rogerson has one of the lightest touches of any drummer I’ve heard behind a kit. I kept checking to see if he was playing with brushes. Hulstein’s chiming, surf-style guitar parts were kind of great when you could hear them above the bass. His approachable vocal style is right on for songs I think I’m going to like when I hear them recorded and properly mixed. In fact, he said much of his set consisted of material from an upcoming EP. I was reminded me of Dave Doughman of Swearing at Motorists, a band I’m sure no one remembers or has even heard of, and a band that’s a lot weirder than Ojai. 

Long story short, I need to see Ojai again when they don’t sound like they’re playing in a bass competition. As for O’Leaver’s — it was hot, it was smelly, it was just as I remember it from the last time I was there. Here’s hoping it never changes. 

. 0 0 0 . 

A reminder about tonight’s shows, which I covered in detail last Friday

At Reverb Lounge tonight LA band Color Green (Noah Kohll and Co.) headlines with The Dirts and Heavy Clippings. $15, 8 p.m. 

Meanwhile, down the street at The Sydney, Atlanta psych/electronic band Chew headlines with the Omaha debut of LinOma band Size Queen. 8 p.m., $10.

I’ll see you tonight in Benson…

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Ojai, Ione Saturday; St. Patrick’s Sunday; Color Green, The Dirts, Heavy Clippings, Chew, Size Queen Monday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , , , — @ 8:41 am March 15, 2024

LA Band Color Green plays at Reverb Monday night.

By Tim McMahan,

Get a load of this: The best shows of the weekend are actually next Monday night. 

Briefly, there are (again) no touring indie rock shows in Omaha this weekend. 

Only one show is worth your attention tonight and it’s in Lincoln: The Speed! Nebraska “Winternationals” showcase at The Zoo Bar, featuring Bad Bad Men, Wagon Blasters and Pagan Athletes. If you’re in the Capitol City, it’s definitely worth your time. $10, 9 p.m. 

Tomorrow night (Saturday), Omaha indie band Ojai headlines a free show at fabulous O’Leaver’s. I know very little about this act, other than they’ve been around for a long time. Maybe it’s time I catch their set? Joining them is singer/songwriter Ione (Who also performs around town as Safe Space — I’m not sure why she oscillates between the two names – maybe it has something to do with whomever is accompanying her?). Like I said, FREE, and starts at 9 p.m. 

Also Saturday night, local rock band Safari Room plays Reverb Lounge with Bad Self Portraits and Steady Wells. 8 p.m., $18. 

Sunday is, of course, St. Patrick’s Day, which just happens to be the lousiest day to have St. Patrick’s Day. i think we need to make a command decision and forever make St. Patrick’s Day the second Friday of March. My usual go-to on this national holiday (for us Irish folk, anyway) has always been The Dubliner, who this year features “three fantastic sets of live Irish music.” The main act on St. Patty’s Day always plays in the afternoon, and this year Lincoln act Out of the House gets that honor from 1 to 5 p.m. 

And that’s it for the weekend, so let’s talk about Monday. I generally wait until Monday to tell you about Monday, but considering the lousy weekend, here’s something to look forward to:

Top of the list Monday night is Los Angeles indie band Color Green at Reverb Lounge. The band features Noah Kohll, who has been involved in a number of local indie acts over the years, including Staffers and Nathan Ma. He’s been doing Color Green with Corey Madden for a few years. Their latest is a self-titled album released in 2022 by ORG Music and Aquarium Drunkard that sounds like a modern version of Allman Brothers crossed with The Byrds. Also on the bill are up-and-coming Omaha bands The Dirts and Heavy Clippings (who we saw last weekend at Goatfest). This one’s jam-packed and starts at 8 p.m. $15. 

Meanwhile, just down the street Monday night at The Sydney, Atlanta psych/electronic/noise act Chew headlines. Their latest is 2022’s Horses (Stolen Body Records). Opening for Chew is a new LinOma band Size Queen, whose members include Lincoln Calling booker Sam Crisler. I don’t think they’ve played in Omaha before, so consider this their Omaha debut. 8 p.m., $10. 

And that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


#TBT: March 17, 2020 – The beginning of what came next…

Category: Blog — Tags: , — @ 8:34 am March 14, 2024

By Tim McMahan,

I was among those who thought “This is a passing thing, like flu season or an outbreak of the chicken pox. Give it a month, maybe two, things will get back to normal.” 

Little did we know.

But we quickly found out. And I have to admit that, at first I didn’t mind it that much. Sure, it meant the world was going to close down, but it also meant I didn’t have to go into the office every day. We still had food and the internet and our dogs. I was one of the lucky ones: No one close to me died. In fact it would take many more months before anyone I knew even caught it. That would come later.

Instead, March 2020 was like living in a science fiction short story that would become a novella that turned into a novel that stretched into a trilogy. And though we’ve mostly come back from it, the scars are still visible. Businesses, restaurants, venues closed forever. “Remote work” lingered and office buildings continue to be half-empty (and I quickly realized I don’t like working in half-empty buildings). And a few million people died. But we didn’t see that coming in March 2020. Little did we know…

Psst… this was only four years ago…

Sign o’ the times?

When the party’s over… O’Leaver’s, Sydney among those closed for COVID-19…

Originally published March 17, 2020

by Tim McMahan,

You know shit’s getting real when they close down O’Leaver’s. That’s exactly what the club announced on its Facebook page today, and what choice did they have if they’re limiting gatherings to 10 people?

Slowdown already cancelled shows through the month of March, though all indications are the venue is still open (for now). One Percent Productions’ clubs still appear to be open as well, though their next scheduled event isn’t until March 24. No doubt you’ll continue to see show cancellations as bands cancel tours.

The Brothers also appears to still to be open. Their next scheduled event is the big March 28 Bad Bad Men gig. But The Sydney has closed its doors for the time being.

And that about does it for live music, at least for awhile. How long it’ll really last, who can say? It’ll definitely be longer than the end of this month and probably well into next month and maybe the month after that.

Next up is enforced curfews. Social distancing is kind of like what happens when the power goes out. The first night it’s fun; it’s like camping out! You discover new and interesting things to do in the dark. The second night without power, it becomes somewhat annoying. By the third night you’re ready to kill someone.

It’s going to be tough to expect folks in their 20s to be good little girls and boys, especially as the weekend rolls around. If the bars are closed (or limiting occupancy), that just means someone else is going to have to host the party. And that’s when the cops get involved.

Not being able to go out on St. Patrick’s Day — my favorite holiday — definitely hurts. But I have plenty of Guinness at home and my favorite Waterboys album to keep me in the Irish spirit.

We’ve got enough doom and gloom online to go into any more other than to say this too shall pass. And the rock shows that happen on the other side are bound to be epic.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Willy Mason (formerly of Team Love Records), Sean Pratt tonight at Pageturners…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , — @ 7:55 am March 12, 2024

Willy Mason plays tonight at Pageturners Lounge.

By Tim McMahan,

According to my records (glances at the Lazy-i Archives), it’s been about a decade since singer/songwriter Willy Mason came through town. The last time was opening for First Aid Kit at The Waiting Room back in June 2014. 

From that review: “Mason’s brassy voice has deepened dramatically since he emerged a decade ago. As proof, he played the standout track “Oxygen,” from his Team Love debut, the Ritalin-referenced lyrics betraying his lost youth. Last time Mason came through was as a solo artist, too. I’d like to see him with a band.”

I’d still like to see him play with a full band, though that’s not going to happen tonight at Pageturners. 

Those of you who were around at the dawn of Saddle Creek Records 20 years ago might remember a then-high-school aged Willy Mason played a tangential role as one of the first artists signed to Conor Oberst’s and Sean Foley’s fledgling record label, Team Love (along with Jenny Lewis and Tilly and the Wall, among others). 

The story behind that signing is also in the Lazy-i Archive, right here. Since then, Mason’s been on a bunch of labels and these days his music is licensed to Cooking Vinyl, including his last EP, Bok Bok Hill. Tonight Mason plays at Pageturners Lounge, along with our very own Sean Pratt (sans Sweats?). 8 p.m., $10 suggested donation (Why not just charge a cover?). 

Maybe Willy’s record label pal, who also owns Pageturners, will show up tonight for old times’ sake…

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Live Review: Head of Femur, Heavy Clippings and Goatfest…

Category: Reviews — Tags: , , — @ 9:03 am March 11, 2024

Heavy Clippings at Goatfest, March 9, 2024.

By Tim McMahan,

This year’s honorary Goatfest goat, Linda, was a sort of goat-ette — a miniature version of a goat whose cuteness was amplified by the diaper it proudly wore as it walked around the room adjacent to Scriptown brewery’s main room. A steady stream of parents hurriedly led their own “kids” to see Linda, forced to walk in front of the bands, the childrend with their tiny hands over their tiny ears. 

Goatfest could become one of those quirky events that cities boast about in their Chamber of Commerce write-ups – a combination beer bust, rock show and livestock display, hosted annually just before St. Patrick’s Day. Or even better, they should hold it monthly on every Second Saturday as part of the new Blackstone pseudo event, that, by the looks of the crowds in the streets, is off to a roaring start. 

Heavy Clippings was already deep in their set when we arrived, playing behind a large crowd bunched in the back and circling Scriptowns enormous bar. The band consists of two former members of the band Yuppies — Noah Sterba and Jeff Sedrel — along with Vince Franco and Tanner Rogerson, or as one person described them, “guys who used to hang out at Almost Music.” Stylistically, they play hypnotic post-punk, a sort of Midwestern version of Lewsberg or The Feelies with Sterba providing just the right amount of coffee-shop folk drawl. 

I don’t believe the band has any recordings, or at least any online, which is a shame (Sterba, btw, has a cassette out on Chris Fischer’s Unread Records). They sound like they should be playing either at Grapefruit Records downtown alongside Simon Joyner or on the soundtrack to your favorite just-discovered indie film. Either way, I’d see them again tomorrow if they were playing somewhere…

Head of Femur at Goatfest, March 9, 2024.

On the other hand, you’ll be seeing a lot more from Head of Femur. Frontman Matt Focht announced that the band was playing a ton of new songs from their upcoming album, and I have it on good authority that the record will be released on a long-standing, proper indie label in the very near future. 

Playing as a five-piece with Focht in the frontman pocket, the band ripped into a fresh set of proggy post-punk rock songs that were equal parts tuneful and challenging. Focht has a lilting, mewing voice that rides atop the sometimes complicated rhythms and melodies that are unafraid to take a quick left turn in the middle of a jam. No doubt these songs will sound completely different when heard through headphones. 

Highlights included “Tomato Party” and “Gravitational F’s,” whose names I only know because the band had their boldly printed setlist lying on the floor in front of where they played. Focht is a long-time Linoma indie music veteran, known as much for his work playing drums with Bright Eyes in the early days as for his Head of Femur output. When will this new album be released? I’ll let you know when I know.

As for Goatfest, like I said, I’d love to see Scriptown make live music a regular weekend-afternoon thing. This gig always feels like a South By Southwest day party (in the best way), with the crowd enjoying good music along with Scriptown’s delectable beers and now also smoked meats from Lazy Buffalo BBQ. After meeting Linda, here’s hoping the BBQ place keeps goat off the menu.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Indian Caves tonight; Goatfest (Head of Femur, Heavy Clippings), Diaphane, Wicked Bones Saturday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , , , — @ 10:36 am March 8, 2024
A scene from last year’s Goatfest at Scriptown Brewery. Goatfest returns this Saturday.

By Tim McMahan,

A snow Friday in March? No, thank you…

Tonight (Friday) at The Sydney in Benson, Indian Caves headlines with Better in Eleven and Midwest Dilemma. The listing says 8 p.m., which is early for a Sidney show, so plan accordingly. $10.

The weather should turn around in time for Goatfest tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) at Scriptown Brewery in The Blackstone District. Great beer goes well with rock music, this time from the legendary Omaha/Lincoln/Chicago project Head of Femur. Joining them is a local indie supergroup Heavy Clippings that includes Noah Sterba and Jeff Sedrel of Yuppies with Vince Franco and Tanner Rogerson. I include my favorite Yuppies track below for reference purposes only. And, like last year, there will be goats! As well as smoked meats from Lazy Buffalo BBQ. Music runs 3 to 5 p.m. and the whole dang thing is free. 

Than later Saturday night, DIY venue The Blindspot, is hosting Rapid City “country band for the gays and theys,” Diaphane. The project of singer/songwriter Kyle Blessing wasn’t always a cowboy outfit. 2022’s Portraits (Bathtub Records) was a stylistic indie record, which is why I include two clips from these folks. Also on the bill is Lincoln “alternative garbage roots” band Wicked Bones. Des Moines indie duo Munk Rivers opens at 7:30 p.m. The Blindspot is located at 619 So. 20th St. Isn’t it time you checked it out? Tickets are $10. 

And that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend!

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Jenny Lewis, Hayden Pedigo tonight at The Admiral…

Category: Blog — Tags: , — @ 9:00 am March 6, 2024

Jenny Lewis at the Maha Music Festival, Aug. 16, 2019. She plays tonight at The Admiral.

By Tim McMahan,

We all know Jenny. She’s been coming through Omaha for more than 20 years, either as part of Rilo Kiley or The Postal Service or as a solo performer. The last time I saw her was at the 2019 Maha Music Festival, where Lewis took the stage dressed all in gold lamé, touring in support of On the Line (2019, Warner Bros.). 

This time Lewis is touring Joy’All , release last year on jazz label Blue Note Records. The album has done pretty well on the strength of singles “Psychos” and “Puppy and a Truck.” A glance at the setlist from last night’s show at The Truman in KC suggests a retrospective show tonight (including “Rise Up with Fists!!”), with new songs sprinkled throughout the set, but no Rilo Kiley songs. Who knows, though, this being Omaha and RK having released their best albums on Saddle Creek Records, she could pull a surprise, but I highly doubt it.

Opening at The Admiral tonight is Amarillo acoustic guitar master Hayden Pedigo, whose instrumentals evoke visions of a wind-blown, barren West Texas. His late album, The Happiest Times I Ever Ignored, was released in 2023 on boutique indie label Mexican Summer. Really pretty stuff.

Pedigo goes on at 8 p.m. Tickets are still availbable for $40 GA and $55 balcony. 

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Lincoln Calling 2024 lineup: Cherry Glazerr, Water From Your Eyes, Friko and… Ritual Device; Dan McCarthy, Jim Schroeder tonight…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , , , , — @ 9:28 am March 5, 2024
Lincoln Calling is May 3 and 4.

by Tim McMahan,

Welp, after a day-long delay, Lincoln Calling finally released their lineup . The announcement was supposed to go out yesterday, but five minutes before the “information embargo” expired organizers sent an email pleading for media to hold the presses.

Of all the local festivals (and there’s one fewer this year), Lincoln Calling has the most eclectic lineups. No one genre dominates; instead they throw everything into the mix and this year is no exception. 

Slated for May 3 and 4 in venues throughout downtown Lincoln, the 20th anniversary edition boasts 55+ national and local acts. The headliner is pop-rapper Tkay Maidza, whose last album was released on 4AD, a label that used to be renowned for its ambient/indie/post-punk acts. Something tells me the label is making mo’ money from this pop/dance fare.

While LC2024 has a plethora of R&B/DJ/jazz/pop acts, it’s the indie stuff I’m interested in, and the list of touring indie artists is impressive. Among them:

  • – LA trio Cherry Glazerr (Secretly Canadian)
  • – New York duo Water From Your Eyes (Matador Records)
  • – Louisville’s Wombo (Fire Talk Records)
  • – Nashville punkers Snõõper (Third Man) and 
  • – Chicago’s Friko (ATO Records). 

But maybe the most notable act announced is a reunion of influential ’90s Nebraska post-punk legends Ritual Device. I think the last time these guys performed was a holiday show in 2014 with Cellophane Ceiling. Frontman Tim Moss once told me that show was the end. Looks like we’re in for another ride. 

The rest of the so-called “regional acts” is just as impressive. Among them are David Nance and Mowed Sound (which, now that they’re on Third Man Records, should have relegated them higher in the LC2024 press release), Universe Contest, Clarence Tilton, The Dirts, PROBLEMS, Bad Bad Men, Pagan Athletes, Plack Blague, Face and, as they say, lots, lots more.

Venues include two outdoor stages along with 1867 Bar, Duffy’s Tavern and The Zoo Bar. Tickets are on sale at, with early bird weekend passes priced at $50 – that’s an insanely low price for a festival like this. 

Hey, what about a VIP option? Well, as a matter of fact, there is one: The Callers Club. There are four club levels and for $250 you’ll be in the “Immerse Level,” which includes VIP seating, a local meal and drinks. At the $1,000 level you can meet the artists, because let’s face it, everyone needs to meet Tim Moss at least once in their life…

Now all we need is a schedule…

. 0 0 0 .

In the meantime… 

Birdie Edge is Alabama instrumentalist Richard Edge. According to an article in The St. Lous Music Report (Why don’t we have an Omaha Music Report?), Mr. Edge was involved in the St. Louis hardcore scene, including in bands Freon and Hippyfuckers. “Surprisingly however, a good chunk of their work has been dedicated to an earthy, rural acoustic solo self-titled project centered around the resonant nature of their steel string acoustic guitar and complex Americana finger-picked patterns,” said the Report.

I have no idea if this information still applies to Birdie Edge, as the article was published two years ago and there’s nothing else online (including at the Pageturrners website). According to Bandcamp, Jinx, the recording linked below, was tape dubbed by David Nance. And tonight’s opener for this show, Jim Schroeder, has played alongside Nance for years

It all adds up to saying that tonight Birdie Edge Dan McCarthy plays at Pageturners, with Jim Schroeder opening at 8 p.m. No cover but drop some cash in the hat for the bands, please. 

Note: Birdie Edge is unable to play tonight at Pageturners. Dan McCarthy is taking his place, and Jim is still on the bill. 8 p.m.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


#BFF, Uh Oh, Estrogen Projection tonight; Clarence Tilton, GoodView Saturday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , — @ 8:39 am March 1, 2024

Kim Darling’s “Unleashed” opens tonight at Ming Toy Gallery as part of #BFF.

by Tim McMahan,

Before we get to the limited offerings of indie music this week, a quick reminder that it’s the first Friday of the month and that means Benson First Friday (#BFF) is in effect tonight up and down Maple Street. Check out art from local artists in venues throughout Benson, including at the Ming Toy Gallery, 6066 Maple St., where tonight we’ll be celebrating an opening and installation by artist Kim Darling called “Unleashed.”  The opening runs from 6 to 9 p.m. Come by and say hi!

As part of #BFF, a new gallery venue, called Floors Floors Floors at 7052 Maple St., is hosting five artists and two bands – Uh Oh and Estrogen Projection. This appears to be the old David’s Flooring place on the north side of Maple before you get into Benson proper driving east. Anyway, bands start at 8:30 and admission is free.

It’s also Bandcamp Friday, which means if you buy your music from Bandcamp today the website will waive its fees and pass all the cash to the artists. Do it!

Saturday night, Omaha’s alt country mavericks Clarence Tilton headlines at Slowdown Jr. Joining them is the elusive B.B. Sledge (“elusive” in that I keep missing these folks when they play). $15, 8 p.m. 

Also Saturday night, “Spacerock” trio GoodView celebrates their album release at fabulous O’Leaver’s. The band Wedding opens the show at 9 p.m. and this one also is absolutely free. 

Finally, The Sydney in Benson has Jeff in Leather Saturday night with Teetah and Ladie Muerte. $10, 9 p.m. 

And that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend!

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Katy Kirby, Allegra Krieger, Owen Justice tonight at Reverb Lounge…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , — @ 8:34 am February 29, 2024

Katy Kirby plays tonigh at Reverb Lounge.

by Tim McMahan,

Nashville indie singer/songwriter Katy Kirby could easily be bundled into that crowded talent pool that makes up Phoebe Bridgers’ Saddest Factory Records roster. Her quiet, introspective take on coffee-shop-comfortable indie folk carries an authenticity thanks to its relationship perspectives, a quality which has almost become an indie trope for singer/songwriters who currently dominate today’s college music. 

Her latest album, Blue Raspberry (2024, Anti-), is a “exegesis of Kirby’s first queer relationship,” according to the one-sheet. “Exegesis,” by the way, means critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture, according to Google. Yes, I looked it up, along with “vicissitude,” which was used in the Pitchfork review, as in “Blue Raspberry proves that Kirby is particularly dialed in on these vicissitudes of intimacy. With a little fine-tuning, she could transcend.” I’m still not sure what the writer meant, however, though she gave the record a 7.4 rating. 

Anyway, Katy Kirby plays tonight at Reverb Lounge. Joining her is New York singer/songwriter Allegra Krieger, whose fourth album, I Keep My feet on the Fragile Plane, is a collection of quiet acoustic reflections released by Double Double Whammy last year. Omaha singer/songwriter Owen Justice opens the show at 8 p.m. $18.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
