Wagon Blasters, Domestica, Minne Lussa tonight; The Rural Alberta Advantage Sunday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , , — @ 8:26 am February 24, 2023
Wagon Blasters at Lookout Lounge April 30, 2016. The band plays tonight at Grapefruit Records in the Old Market.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

It’s a Speed! Nebraska Friday night takeover in more ways than one tonight.

First, tonight at Grapefruit Records, 1125 Jackson St., our favorite local record label, Speed! Nebraska, is celebrating the release of In Frontier We Trust, a CD compilation of all the great Frontier Trust singles (four 45s-worth). It’s a project that Frontier Trust frontman Gary Dean Davis said was fun putting together. “We actually used a 45 as the master for the Highway Miles EP,” Gary said. Mastered by genius engineer Doug Van Sloun with cover art by Chris Harding Thornton, the CD will be like a time machine that takes you back to Omaha/Lincoln circa the mid-‘90s when Frontier Trust invented tractor-punk and sat at the forefront of Nebraska’s first golden age of indie rock. 

And here’s the best part – everyone who attends tonight’s CD release show gets a free copy of the CD. How can you beat that? 

Well, Gary Dean Davis’ latest band, Wagon Blasters, is headlining the show, which means we’ll get treated to a couple Frontier Trust classics in the “Half Trust” style with Bill Thornton on guitar.  Opening the show at 8 p.m. is Filter Kings frontman  Gerald Lee, Jr. Entry is $10 at the door.

Grapefruit Records is a fun room for a show, and Gary says Simon is even building a drum riser for the occasion. 

But that’s not the only Speed! Nebraska show happening tonight. Across town in Benson at Reverb Lounge, Lincoln power-punk trio Domestica headlines a rare (these days) Omaha show. Domestica’s previous incarnation, Mercy Rule, released singles on the Speed! Nebraska label, and often were Frontier Trust show mates at rock shows in the mid-‘90s. Ah, those were the days… 

Opening for Domestica is Mike Saklar’s The Sun-less Trio; Minne Lussa owns the middle slot. 9 p.m. start time, $8. 

If you’re crafty (and reckless) there’s a chance you could double-dip and catch both shows. 

The other red-hot show this weekend is Saddle Creek Records band The Rural Alberta Advantage headlining at Slowdown Jr. Sunday night. The band is on the road supporting The Rise EP, released last spring, which marked the return of founding member, keyboardist Amy Cole. Singer/songwriter Georgia Harmer opens at 8 pm. $22.

And that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend. 

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2023 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Cog Factory doc, Wagon Blasters, Breakers, The Sun-Less Trio, The Obscurants Saturday; Pink Fuzz Sunday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , , — @ 1:04 pm September 16, 2022
Wagon Blasters at Lookout Lounge April 30, 2016. The band plays Saturday night at The Waiting Room.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Before we get into the weekend, the folks who run the Maha Music Festival are now giving you a chance to suggest bands for next year’s fest, which will again be held at Stinson Park in Aksarben Village.

All you have to do is click here and fill out the survey. Yeah, I know, the odds of Maha actually booking the bands you list are, well, pretty slim. It’s not unlike when a radio station asks for requests when you know they’re only going to play your song if it’s already on their playlist. Still, it’ll give them an indication of just how broad a net to cast when the Knitting Factory folks who help book the festival actually start reaching out to acts. 

And, if you don’t fill out the survey, you can’t complain next year when your bands aren’t on the line-up. Here’s the link. I’m not sure how long it’ll be available, so do it now. 

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OK, onto the weekend.

There’s not much happening tonight. Stinson Park is hosting a post-punk cover band called The Damones. This was originally supposed to happen a few weeks ago but was rained out. No, this is not original music, but it could be fun, and it’s a departure for the Stinson Park series. And it’s free. Runs from 7 to 10 p.m. 

Moving onto a very busy Saturday…

Top of the order is the screening of the Cog Factory Documentary at The Waiting Room. I could have sworn this movie had already been released online. At any rate, here’s your chance to see it if you haven’t already. She screening starts at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a discussion, and then a live performance from The Wagon Blasters, probably around 9 p.m. UN-T.I.L. also is on the program. $15.

Meanwhile, across town at fabulous O’Leaver’s, The Club is hosting its monthly rock show. Headlining is Breakers, a newish band featuring Matt Focht of Head of Femur with Chris Yambor and Robert Little. In the middle slot The Sun-Less Trio celebrating the release of their new record, Cemetary Road. And opening is a new project from Lincoln’s Eric Maly (Fair Moans, Hi Ho Silverfox, Slow Pioneers) called The Obscurants. Joining Maly in the band are Shawn Williams, drums; Jon Ruff, bass; Danny Carraher, guitar; Chris Maly, guitar; and Emma Nelson on violin. Whew! You get all this entertainment for a mere $10. Show starts at 9 p.m.

Also Saturday night, Petshop in Benson (just south of the old Barley Street Tavern) is hosting a show with FLT RTH, Specter Poetics and Jeff in Leather. $5, 10 p.m.

Finally on Sunday, Denver grunge rockers Pink Fuzz play at The Sydney in Benson with Hussies. $10 9 p.m.

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And that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2022 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Maha Festival (Japanese Breakfast, Thundercat, more) Saturday; Wagon Blasters tonight…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , — @ 12:55 pm July 30, 2021

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Japanese Breakfast hits the Maha Festival stage at 8 p.m. Saturday.

The big mystery involves tomorrow’s weather — will the rain subside by 2 p.m. for the Maha Music Festival, returning again to Stinson Park at Aksarben Village? Place your bets. If you’re not aware, the festival officially became a “sell-out” yesterday. The cooler weather may actually be a blessing, even if we’re all wearing ponchos.

Gates are at 2 p.m. Here’s the schedule:

2 p.m. Crabrangucci
2 p.m. Kethro
2:30 — J. Crum
3:15 — Dirt House
3:50 — Omaha Girls Rock
4:00 — Edem Soul Music
4:45 — Matt Cox and the Marauders
5:30 — Shovels & Rope
6:45 — Drive-by Truckers
8:00 — Japanese Breakfast
9:15 — Thundercat
10:45 — Khruangbin
Midnight – the party’s over

I can’t remember if in past years they also blocked all the locals to perform early in the festival. The first touring act, Shovels & Rope, doesn’t go on until 5:30. Will anyone be there before that for the locals? Would have been nice to intermix the nationals and the locals, just to pull in a bigger crowd. I’ve said for years that Maha should place a mid-level touring act early in the day to get people in the park. Ah, but no touring band wants to play for anything less than the biggest crowd possible.  

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Japanese Breakfast and Thundercat are on top of my must-see list, though I’ll be there all day.
Weather is playing a role in the festival’s set-up. Storms are forecast for this afternoon, but Maha has their act together.

Since it’s an outdoor event, mask wearing is optional for those of us with enough common sense to be vaccinated, but considering the smoke pouring in from the West Coast fires, you may want to wear your mask anyway. 

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. ) ) ) .

The weekend partying actually starts tonight at Reverb Lounge in Benson where Wagon Blasters open for Pixies tribute band Surfer Rosa. It’s been too long since I’ve seen Gary Dean Davis and his crew bounce around on stage. This one could be packed — and may even sell out. $10, 9 p.m. 

That’s all I got.  Have a great weekend. Look for a Maha review on Monday.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2021 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Live Review: Las Cruxes at The Brothers; Mike Watt and the Missing Men, Wagon Blasters tonight…

Category: Reviews — Tags: , , — @ 12:48 pm September 30, 2019

Las Cruxes at The Brothers Lounge, Sept. 27, 2019.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Playing as a 6-piece with two of the city’s best drummers (Nate Van Fleet and Jeff Lambelet, sitting above the band like a couple rock ‘n’ roll gargoyles) a second guitarist flown in from Chicago, a second vocalist and local hero Landon Hedges doing a unibomber impression on bass, Las Cruxes was pure punk bombast.

The set got off to a rocky start Friday night at a semi-crowded Brothers Lounge as (I’m told) that second guitarist was borrowing Hedges’ guitar, and frontman Eduardo ‘Yayo’ Trujillo could be seen prior to the set showing him some chord progressions. By the third song it didn’t matter as everyone was locked in, with the Chicago guy adding a much needed layer of vocal energy above Yayo’s high voice.

The songs sounded like a cross between The Pixies and every three-chord punk band you’ve ever heard, but propelled full-throttle by the double-barrel drum attack, it was like watching a couple synchronized swimmers in a boxing ring trying to outdo each other, while down below Hedges did his usual rock pirouettes with his back to the crowd (mostly). With everything else going on, Landon was the glue holding it all together.

When music is as powerful (and loud) as this was it doesn’t matter that you can’t understand a thing the Spanish-language singer is singing, and besides, how many punk shows have you gone to where you really understand what was being shouted? The message behind the energy was enough, with Yayo falling backward into the drums at the end of the set.

I’m told Las Cruxes is heading out on tour, down south to Mexico way, and that Hedges is coming along. The band’s albums are backed by Sony distro in Mexico, and I can only imagine what their shows will be like in places like Nueva Laredo or Juarez, where no translation is needed.

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Tonight a punk legend takes over Reverb Lounge. Mike Watt, who carved his name into the Mt. Rushmore of punk rock with his work in Minutemen and fIREHOSE (among others), and his band, The Missing Men, headline.

About the tour that brings them to Omaha, via the hootpage:

not too long ago original missingmen drummerman Raul Morales along w/Paloma brought on board new shipmate Sofie so that means no more big tours for him but of course he will be on missingmen recordings and local gigs he can do… Raul is now a pop! not too long ago, original missingmen guitarman Tom Watson lost his pop and now he’s like me (lost mine in 1991), we’re both missing our pops. it’s for that reason I named this sally forth the ‘dick watt tour 2019’ – named after my pop which is also the name of the next missingmen album, continuing the theme. me and tom have been touring for twenty years now! crimony. standing in for raul this tour is big man Nick Aguilar who we all think is up for the job. we’ve been doing prac ‘pert-near every day a month before the tour I did bass for Flipper and the three weeks since. d boon, me and georgie went to school w/his pop rudy (san pedro high, class of 1976) so in a way it’s a total connect – ain’t life a trip?!

Local legends/tractor-punk originators Wagon Blasters opens the show at 8 p.m. $15.

Here’s a sneak peek, from their set just a couple weeks ago in Santa Monica:

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Live Review: Wagon Blasters, Minne Lussa at Farnam House back lot…

Category: Reviews — Tags: , , — @ 12:31 pm July 8, 2019

Minne Lussa at Farnam House July 6, 2019.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

This is more of a picture report than a review. I’ve talked about both of these bands recently, and their sets were as good as ever. The event was the 5-year anniversary of Farnam House brewery this past Saturday, and was held in the restaurant’s back parking lot. The bands played in front of — and off — a loading dock right outside where the brewery casks are located, which provided for one of the more picturesque live music settings in recent years. The late afternoon sun didn’t hurt, either. Who needs stage lighting when you’re in the “Golden Hour”?

Wagon Blasters at Farnam House July 6, 2019.

Farnam House set up tents and tables and served their fantastic beer along with brats and pretzels. The vibe was extremely chill; that is until the Wagon Blasters ripped into their set with their usual bombastic vigor. Gary Dean Davis was in rare form. during and between numbers. The band hinted at a possible new 7-inch in the future, or maybe more from the Speed! Nebraska label. Keep your fingers crossed.

Minne Lussa, the new project with Matt Rutledge at the helm, continued to amaze with its shoe-gazey sound reminiscent of Galaxy 500/Luna. Considering the small PA, the audio was surprisingly balanced and haunting, especially in the fading light of day.

Here’s hoping Farnam House continues to host live music in its back lot as they enter into their next half-decade of business.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Heart Bones (Sean Tillmann), #BFF, Haybaby, Motherly (Sara Bertuldo) debut tonight; Wagon Blasters, Cayucas, Sam Valdez Saturday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , , , — @ 12:34 pm July 5, 2019

Haybaby plays tonight at O’Leaver’s.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Hopefully the only fireworks we’ll hear this weekend will be coming from a stage.

Tonight at The Sydney Sean Tillmann a.k.a. Har Mar Superstar takes the stage with partner in crime Sabrina Ellis (A Giant Dog) as the fun-time electro-pop duo Heart Bones. They’ve got a few songs on Spotify that are bouncy and fun, but everything Tillmann does is fun. Dirty word opener Good Fuck kicks it off at 9 p.m. $12.

And as if you forgot, it’s Benson First Friday tonight. Since you’ll be in the neighborhood, drop by The Little Gallery, 5901 Maple Street (in the east bay of the Masonic Temple building), and check out the amazing work of Jun Lee, woodcut prints that will make your eyes fall out of your head. The opening runs for 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Come by and say hi.

Meanwhile, down at fabulous O’Leaver’s, Brooklyn indie band Haybaby (Tiny Engines Records) headlines (Here’s hoping they play their 6-minute grinder “My Mother Tells Me” off their new album They Get There). Also on the bill are Houma and the debut of Sara Bertuldo’s new band, Motherly. 10 pm., $7. There will also be a shitload of DJs and a drag show out on the patio. Crazy!

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Saturday, The Wagon Blasters are playing at the Farnam House 5th Anniversary Bash. The day-show kicks off at 2 p.m. with Kevin Lloyd, followed by Ted and Alice Miller (3:30), The Mudpuddles (5 p.m.), Wagon Blasters (6:30) and closing out with Minne Lussa at 8 p.m. Food, beer, outdoor beer garden and more.

Saturday night The Slowdown has Santa Monica indie pop band Cayucas (Park the Van Records) and indie crooner Sam Valdez, whose voice and style bears a slight resemblance to a certain lady namea Lana. 9 p.m., $15.

Also Saturday night, O’Leaver’s has the return of Big Al Band, with Jessica Errett and Army of 2600. $5, 10 p.m.

And that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.

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When Particles Collide, #BFF tonight; Wagon Blasters, 24 Hour Cardlock Saturday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , — @ 12:33 pm May 3, 2019

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24 Hour Cardlock at Burke’s Pub, OEAA Showcase, Aug. 23, 2014. The band celebrates the release of its new album tonight at the Barley Street Tavern.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

One of the quieter weekends in recent memory…

Tonight, of course, is Benson First Friday. And as per usual, I beseech you to drop by our gallery — The Little Gallery located at 5901 Maple Street (the east bay of the Benson Masonic Lodge) — for the opening of Raw/Beauty, the works of Shaun Ilahi. The opening runs from 6 to 9 p.m. Booze. Treats. Come by and say hi.

Also tonight, I was given a head’s up about a show at The Down Under Lounge tonight — a Bangor, Maine, duo called When Particles Collide. A VERY well-respected Lincoln musician recommends this one (the duo played in the Star City last night). Also on the bill are Robo Dojo and Tame Suns. No idea what this costs but it starts at 9 p.m.

Tomorrow night, 24 Hour Cardlock celebrates the release of their new album, Semibicoastal, at Barley Street Tavern. The mighty Wagon Blasters open along with the equally mighty Korey Anderson. $5, 9 p.m.

Believe it or not, that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Mercy Rule goes online; Wagon Blasters, Domestica, Minne Lussa tonight; Priests Saturday; Murs Sunday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , — @ 1:48 pm April 26, 2019

Mercy Rule albums God Protects Fools and Providence. Both are now available on major streaming services.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Caulfield Records yesterday announced that legendary Lincoln post-punk band Mercy Rule’s first two albums, God Protects Fools and Providence, became available for streaming at the usual services.

I first fell for Mercy Rule with their debut; while their 1999 release, Flat Black Chronicles (also available on streaming platforms), quickly become a favorite. I never gave Providence the attention it deserved, having owned it only on cassette. I must tell you, after listening to it this morning, it, along with the other two albums, have held up well after 25 years. Find out for yourself:

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* * *

Speaking of Mercy Rule, the band’s current incarnation, Domestica, plays tonight at fabulous O’Leaver’s. It’ll be just like old times as joining them on the bill is Wagon Blasters, whose members include Gary Dean Davis, the former frontman of ’90s tractor punk band Frontier Trust, who often shared bills with Mercy Rule back in the day. Headlining is Minne Lussa, a band consisting of Eric Ebers (Ritual Device), Alan Legge, Matt Rutledge on vocals and guitar, and Pat Reefe. 10 p.m., $5.

Tomorrow night (Saturday), D.C. post-punk band Priests headlines at Reverb Lounge. The band played the Maha Music Festival back in 2017 – you can read a Ten Questions interview with them right here. Their latest, The Seduction of Kansas

, was released earlier this year on Sister Polygon Records. German garage-rock duo Gurr opens at 9 p.m.

Also Saturday night, Denver garage rock act The Ghoulies plays at O’Leaver’s with headliner Orca Welles. Lincoln up-and-comers Histrionic open at 8 p.m. according to the listing (I’m dubious about that start time). $5.

Finally Sunday, legendary indie hip-hop artist Murs headlines at The Waiting Room. Openers are Locksmith and Cojo. $20, 8 p.m.

And that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it inthe comments section. Have a great weekend.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Weekend in Review: Almost Music (Pagan Athletes, Wagon Blasters), Matt Whipkey; No Thanks, Hussies tonight…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , — @ 1:51 pm February 4, 2019

Matt Whipkey and his band at Reverb Lounge Feb. 2, 2019.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

It was a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd at Almost Music Saturday night around 8 p.m., the store filled with revelers celebrating the unfortunate demise of an Omaha music store. Some of the book shelves had been moved out of the Solid Jackson side to make room for the crowds watching the bands. In back they were doling out what can only be described as “doses” of the Nite Owl “punch” that indeed packed one. It was a happy though solemn affair as we were all happy to see the bands and each other, and sad that it was the last day for Almost Music and Solid Jackson, a store that will never be equaled (Unless Brad decides to open one again some day).

So crowded was the store that we couldn’t see Pagan Athletes, who were performing on the other side of the room. The synth/drummer duo was knocking out crazy futuristic jams, hyper-kinetic instrumentals that held the crowd in a trance with its jittery swing. The fine young man standing next to me drinking the blood-colored punch from a coffee cup said the band consists of John Wolf’s sons! Wolf is nothing less than an Omaha music legend behind such great bands as Cellophane Ceiling and Bad Luck Charm (among others). No doubt talent runs in the family. Check out some Pagan Athletes demos below.


Wagon Blasters at Almost Music’s farewell show, Feb. 2, 2019.

Speaking of legends, Pagan Athletes was followed by Wagon Blasters, the next evolutionary step in the ever mutating genre of Nebraska Tractor Punk. Gary Dean Davis was in his usual fine form, as was the rest of the band, who I could barely see while standing  atop a three-foot step ladder, where I took the above photo (I never got a clear shot of Pagan Athletes).

We only hung around for a couple Blasters songs, overcome by ennui generated by the knowledge that we wouldn’t be able to stop into Almost Music again on Saturdays after lunch at Noli’s. Brad, we salute you (and by the way, you hit the nail squarely on the head with that Rat Columns album — primo!

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We headed cross town to catch Matt Whipkey’s set at Reverb Lounge. Whipkey has been performing in a variety of bands and projects for almost two decades, and while rock has always been the staple, his style has varied from Americana to heavy metal (or close to it). That variety makes for a fine selection of songs and styles, which we got a heathy sample of Saturday night.

It’s become known in some circles that Whipkey has been working on a secret project, and sure enough he rolled out one of those songs last night — a punk version of “Fred, You’re Dead” (of which there’s a slower version on his last album, Driver). When will Whipkey reveal this full punk project? Only time will tell…

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Tonight Cam Stout celebrates her birthday at The Brothers Lounge. I don’t know who Cam is, but I like her taste in music, as the bands No Thanks and Hussies are both performing in her honor. $5, 10 p.m. Happy Birthday, Cam…

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Scary Cursive video; Bud Bronson & The Good Timers, Wagon Blasters, Dross tonight…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , , — @ 12:51 pm October 31, 2018

A screen cap from Cursive’s “Life Savings” video, featuring a killer Tim Kasher.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Not only do I not go to horror movies, I don’t watch them when they’re on TV. I just don’t like knife-kill flicks, gore and blood, violence-porn, etc. I get that people dig that stuff, it’s just not my thing.

So when I saw that Cursive’s brand new video for “Life Savings,” a track off the just-released Vitriola album, was a take off on gorror flicks I dreaded having to watch it. But then I saw a screen cap of frontman Tim Kasher getting hatcheted (oops, spoiler alert) and thought “OK, I can handle this.” I mean, who hasn’t wanted to take a hatchet to Kasher at some point, right? Not to mention that mega-star Jake Bellows also has a star-turn as a victim. It’s gross fun! Check it out below, and get a copy of this fine, fine album

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Tonight at fabulous O’Leaver’s Denver’s Bud Bronson and the Good Timers headline a special Halloween program. The band is on the road touring their new album, Between The Outfield And Outer Space, which came out a couple weeks ago.

This will be our second LP, our fourth time in Omaha, and the last show of our album-release tour,” said Good Timer Brian Beer.  “As it is Halloween, we will also be wearing costumes.” That doesn’t mean you have to, of course, but you know… Also on the bill are the always amazing Wagon Blasters. Dross, featuring members of Noah’s Ark Was a Spaceship and Mint Wad Wall, opens at 9 p.m. $10.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2018 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
