Flight School (Ian Anthony Aeillo), #BFF tonight; Pro-Magnum, Pine Ridge Toy Drive Saturday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , — @ 1:37 pm December 6, 2019

Ian Aeillo at Hear Nebraska’s Take Cover at The Waiting Room, Jan. 18, 2014. He’s the subject of a sound/art exhibition at The Sydney tonight.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

I’ve talked about Ian Aeillo before on this blog, about his role in the Nebraska music scene both as a producer, creator, musician and influencer, employed (these days) at The Sydney in Benson. Aeillo’s music history goes back literally decades to a band called The Golden Age that, at the time, was hot-rumored to be thee next big band on the then-fledgling (though already successful) Saddle Creek Records label. I remember asking the label execs at the time about signing the Lincoln band and received the tertiary wayward nod/no response that greeted all such questions directed to the Nansel/Kulbel braintrust. They always held their cards close to the vest, though one couldn’t ignore the fact they were both in the audience at Sokol Underground one night when The Golden Age was playing a rare show in Omaha. Talent scouting?

Well, nothing ever came of any of it, and The Golden Age eventually faded away or disappeared or broke up. Tracks from the legendary unreleased Jealous Love album were deleted from YouTube a long time ago. Aeillo would go on to work with a number of bands, including Lincoln outfit Eagle*Seagull as well as countless others recordings at ARC Recording Studio where he once worked as a producer.

Poster for tonight’s Flight School exhibition.

He does his knob twirling these days at The Sydney, where you can find him most nights working as a sound engineer. But tonight Aeillo will be playing a different role as the featured artist for The Sydney’s Benson First Friday festivities. There’s a lengthy Facebook post where he describes what the event entails, but at the very least, those who drop in will experience either the playing over the PA or a live performance of his work as Flight School, a multi-media rock-punk-jazz recording odyssey all of which is available via Bandcamp. There will be other equipment set up as part of the “experience/installation” that’s been dubbed “An Evening w/Ian Anthony Aeillo (Flight School)” The experience runs from 5 p.m. til 2 a.m. at The Sydney, and admission is free.

It’s all a part of Benson First Friday.

Since you’ll be in Benson anyway, why not stop at The Little Gallery, 5901 Maple Street (the east bay of the Masonic Lodge Building), where tonight is the opening of the 5th Annual Little Show. Featured is the work of more than 20 local artists, all showing works 12 x 12 or smaller at a price point of $100 or less. Just in time for holiday shopping. The show runs from 6 to 9 p.m. Come on by.

That’s it for tonight.

Tomorrow night (Saturday) Johnny Vredenburg and the rest of the boys from Pro-Magnum headline at The Brothers Lounge. Also on the bill are KC metal band 34. $5, 10 p.m.

Finally, the annual Toy Drive for Pine Ridge is happening at The Waiting Room Saturday night. Featured performers include Satchel Grande, Pony Creek, Garst and Vago. Admission is a new, unwrapped toy or $10. All proceeds will be used to deliver toys to the children of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Show starts at 8 p.m.

And believe it or not, that’s all I got, except to mention the fine folks who ran Almost Music as well as EZ Records are having a record show at Reverb Lounge at noon on Sunday. It’s free and always fun.

If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Baroness, Torche, Hussies tonight; Tim Cappello, Universe Contest, Pro-Magnum, Bible of the Devil Saturday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , , — @ 12:32 pm July 26, 2019

Pro-Magnum at The Waiting Room, June 1, 2018. They’re playing Saturday at O’Leaver’s.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Kind of a weird weekend ahead. Benson Days kicks off tomorrow with a parade down Maple St. at 10 a.m., and I’m running in the The Indie 5k/10k Sunday (starting line is at 1912 at 8 a.m.). Fun for the whole family? It’s Benson, so expect weird.

Music-wise, it’s a weird one, too.

Tonight at The Waiting Room Savannah proggy post-rock band Baroness headlines. They release everything on their own Abraxan Hymns label (truly indie!), including their most recent, 2019’s Gold and Grey. They’re listed as a metal band, but they’re more of a straight-up indie rock band. Pitchfork loves them, giving G&G a massive 8.0 rating. Opening is the much harder, much more metal act Torche. Their latest, Admission, was released on Relapse earlier this year. 8 p.m., $28.

Meanwhile, across town at Brothers Lounge, Hussies headline with opener Baby Sledge. 10 p.m., $5.

Tomorrow night The Sydney in Benson has Tim Cappello, who played sax with Tina Turner, Peter Gabriel and vampires in The Lost Boys. Musically, not sure what to expect, but something tells me — shirtless sax. Universe Contest and DJ Solid Goldberg open at 10 p.m. $10.

Meanwhile, at fabulous O’Leaver’s Saturday night, it’s the return of Pro-Magnum. They’re opening for Chicago heavy-metal throw-back act Bible of the Devil and Jump the Tiger. $7, 9 p.m.

Sunday’s wide open, people.

That’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a weird weekend.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


DROSS, Cloud Feeder tonight; Ocean Black, Pro Magnum at The Brothers Lounge…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , — @ 12:49 pm December 14, 2018

Pro Magnum at O’Leaver’s, March 9, 2013. They’re playing Saturday night at Brothers Lounge.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

It’s beginning to look a lot like another Brothers Lounge pre-Christmas weekend…

I’m at a bit of a loss about tonight’s show at Brothers. I couldn’t scrimp together any info on the headliner, DROSS. Is it the Lancaster, California, trio with the five-song punk EP that came out in 2017? Is it the Phoenix grindcore metal act? UPDATE: I’m told DROSS is a couple dudes from Noah’s Ark Was a Spaceship. Who knows. I’m hoping it’s the former rather than the latter. Joining them are Omaha rockers Cloud Feeder, which has a 2-song 2017 EP recorded, mixed and mastered by Bryce Hotz at Archetype Recordings. Finally, there’s opening act Chase the Ghost, another band that’s a real head-scratcher of which I could find virtually nothing about.

So, it’s a bit of a wild card, but then again, isn’t every night at The Brothers a bit of a wild card? $5, 10 p.m.

This track may by one of ISN’T one of the bands playing tonight at The Brothers…

Tomorrow night’s show at The Brothers is a lot easier to explain — Omaha sludge-metal stoner-rock masters Ocean Black headlines a show with punk-metal phenoms Pro Magnum (Max Trax Records). This will be frickin’ dark and loud, leave your Santa hat at home. $5, 10 p.m.

And that’s about all I’m seeing for this weekend. This being the holidays, the clubs are rife with cover bands and DJs. The exception are Matt Cox out at Growler USA and Kris Lager at The Waiting Room Saturday night with Ally Peeler. The Slowdown has two cover/tribute acts this weekend. O’Leaver’s is showing no events on their calendar at all this weekend, which is odd.

Anyway, if I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend!

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2018 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.

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Get-out-the-vote heats up (with Conor Oberst); new Those Far Out Arrows, Pro Magnum 7-inch…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , — @ 12:39 pm October 18, 2018

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Those Far Out Arrows’ new album, Part Time Lizards, comes out Nov. 2 on High Dive Records.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Apologies for not mentioning last night’s get-out-the-vote program at The Sydney (something came up). From what I’ve read in social media, it sounds like it went over well, though I’m told there were some notable no-shows by politicians.

There’s another voter rally coming up, this time at The B. Bar, 4330 Leavenworth St. (the old Castle Barrett), and Conor Oberst will be among the performers. It’s a couple days before the election, Nov. 4. Also on the bill are Miwi La Lupa and Edem Soul Music according to Kevin’s article in the OWH

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The event is sponsored by Kara Eastman, who is running against Don “Frying Pan” Bacon (I don’t know if that’s his real nick-name; I only know him from his frying pan ads. Is that a wrought-iron skillet, Mr. Bacon?).

Elections are 19 days away, people.

* * *

Dark. Majestic. Metal. Omaha 4-piece rock band Pro Magnum released a new 3-song 7-inch opus earlier this month designed to fry your head off.

The band consists of Alex Kinnerk, guitar; John Laughlin, guitar; Pat Oakes, drums and frontman John Vredenburg on bass and vocals. Recorded and mixed by Ben Brodin at the world-famous ARC Studios, the 7-inch also features eye-burning artwork by Devin Ferguson.

This is some heavy shit, but its crazy melodic. If you’re a Maiden/Priest devotee, you’re in luck. Get your copy of “Knight Speed” b/w “Easy to Sin” at Max Trax Records.

* * *

The first song from the upcoming Those Far Out Arrows album, Part Time Lizards (2018, High Dive Records), dropped Oct. 10. The track “Be Alright” is “an acknowledgment of the fact that not everything will work out the way you intended, but in the end works just fine; it’s all up to you,” said band member Evan Keelan White in this New Noise article.

The Arrows are in the middle of a lengthy U.S. tour, playing tonight in Lafayette on their way back to Omaha for a gig at O’Leaver’s Oct. 25. You can pre-order the new album, which comes out Nov. 2, from the High Dive Bandcamp page.

Singer/songwriter Jeremy Mercy plays at The Barley Street Tavern tonight with Ian Lund. 9 p.m. and free!

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2018 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Live Review: Little Brazil, Pro-Magnum; Little Dragon tonight…

Category: Reviews — Tags: , , , , — @ 1:03 pm June 4, 2018

Little Brazil at The Waiting Room, June 1, 2018.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

What’s the old saying — the biggest crowds come for album releases and farewell shows… and reunions, of course. Because Little Brazil plays so scarcely these days, Friday night’s show at The Waiting Room notched two of those three. It felt sort of like a reunion while at the same time they were celebrating the release of their new record, Send the Wolves (2018, Max Trax). As a result, the crowd was more than respectable: my guestimate 150+.

I got there in time to see the tail end of Pro-Magnum’s arena rock set. At least it felt like an arena rock show. I’ve seen these guys a ton of times at O’Leaver’s, but to really feel the power and majesty of these metal animals you need a stage as big at TWR’s, and a sound system to match.

Pro-Magnum at The Waiting Room, June 1, 2018.

Fronted by bassist Johnny Vredenburg with guitarists John Laughlin and Alex Kinner and legendary drummer Pat Oakes (congrats, Pat, you made “legendary” status) the band played what we used to call in the business “heavy metal,” with Vredenburg screaming/croaking out the lead vocals in Midwest-satanic fashion. The guitar interplay was most impressive, and Oakes’ throaty drumming,  a keynote back in his days with Ladyfinger, is always a wonder to behold.

This really is a different band on a large stage, visually and sonically. I assume this crew was influenced by the great arena metal acts of yesteryear (Scorpions, Slayer, Iron Maiden, etc.) who never played anything but arenas. If Pro-Magnum sounds like this at TWR, how would they sound playing Baxter Arena?

Little Brazil hit the stage at around 11 with a massive storm about to bear down on the city. I watched the radar tentatively from my phone as Landon, DMax and crew tore into a set that included all my favorites from Send the Wolves — “You,” “Making a Mess” and “Motorbike,” which featured a guest vocal by Ladyfinger’s Chris Machmuller, who also sang on the album track.

It was the usual great performance — these guys never fail to deliver. After the first few songs they played two yet-to-be-recorded songs, presumably off the next album, which will give the crowd something to look forward to, though there’s a lot of meat to Send the Wolves

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, even a track that features Conor Oberst on vocals (DMax stood in for Conor on Friday night). It’s Little Brazil’s best effort to date and as good as anything Desparecidos put out in its waning years (though in no way political).

In their current roles as family-men, it’s hard to imagine the band hitting the road touring the record, and as far as I know, there’s no plans to do so. So the goal I guess is to sell out the short run of vinyl, move some digital downloads and get spins on Spotify (where it’s also available). And then get back in the studio and do it all again. It’s just like the old days when it was every band’s goal to make enough money to write and record the next album. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

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Tonight, Swedish electronic band Little Dragon plays at The Slowdown. The quartet has collaborated with the likes of Gorillaz, TV on the Radio’s Dave Sitek and SBTRKT. Kethro opens at 8 p.m. GA tix are $28.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2018 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Nomaha: Where did all the good arena shows go?; Pro-Magnum 7-inch release, Druids tonight…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , — @ 12:36 pm August 18, 2016
Pro-Magnum at O'Leaver's, March 9, 2013. The band celebrates the release of a new 7-inch tonight at O'Leaver's.

Pro-Magnum at O’Leaver’s, March 9, 2013. The band celebrates the release of a new 7-inch tonight at O’Leaver’s.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Following up on yesterday’s blog entry about the demolition of the Omaha Civic Auditorium, it brings up the question: Why doesn’t Omaha get arena shows like it used to, or at least any good arena shows?

In fact, the term “Nomaha” has become a thing lately — the word signifies another fantastic tour that has been announced with no Omaha date, i.e., Nomaha. In the old days, back in the ’70s and ’80s, Omaha was known as a rock town and was a recognized tour stop for most arena-rock tours. Styx, Van Halen, Aerosmith, Yes, Boston all those classic rock bands they now play on Z-92 played at the Civic Auditorium. There’s a reason why Grand Funk name-checked Omaha in “We’re an American Band.”

When was the last time you saw a good concert at CenturyLink? The most recent arena rock show that comes to mind was that Ozzy Osborne tour kick-off. No one plays CenturyLink except shiny, crappy children’s acts like Bieber and Taylor Swift, pick-up truck country stars or has-been legacy acts. If you want to see a “larger-drawing” quality modern rock band, you’re very likely going to have to drive to Kansas City, Denver or Minneapolis because they rarely stop in Omaha any more.

Part of it is a change in rock music styles — music just ain’t the same as it was 30 years ago and probably never will be again. That said, there are plenty of arena acts still out there I’d like to see. Off the top of my head: LCD Sound System, Arcade Fire, Radiohead, Beck, Tame Impala, add your favorite to the list. A quick check shows that through the balance of the year CenturyLink has two concerts scheduled: Jimmy Buffett and Def Leppard. That’s it.

So why, when it comes to arena shows, has Omaha become fly-over (or drive-by) country? I haven’t a clue. Could it be that MECA doesn’t know what its doing? Could it be the cost and/or hassle associated with CenturyLink? Could it be the prominence of the festival circuit cuts down on available dates? Could it be that Omaha simply can’t draw a crowd large enough to justify booking these high-dollar ticket acts?

Look, we’re lucky we get the small- and mid-sized indie shows we do get, thanks to 1% Productions and Perpetual Nerves. And some larger shows do make it to Stir Cove and Sumter. I guess I’m just nostalgic about the old Civic Auditorium days…

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Speaking of arena-quality rock bands, tonight an act that would have been right at home at the Civic Auditorium is taking the stage at fabulous O’Leaver’s. Of course I’m talking about Pro-Magnum, who tonight celebrates the release of their new single, “Desinfectar” b/w “Black Iron Tongue” (which you can hear and buy digitally right here). Also on the bill is Des Moines psych-metal band Druids (described as being influenced by metal behemoths such as Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Mastodon). Local doom rockers Super Moon opens. $5, 9:30 p.m. Pick up  the vinyl while you can.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2016 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.



New Pro-Magnum 7-inch (out Aug. 18); Clarence Tilton’s Craig Meier joins Hear Nebraska; Those Far Out Arrows christen the (new) Scriptown stage…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , — @ 12:56 pm August 11, 2016

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Pro-Magnum, Desinfectar b/w Black Iron Tongue

Pro-Magnum, Desinfectar b/w Black Iron Tongue

Music kingpin Johnny Vredenburg, frontman of indie metal act Pro-Magnum, says his band will be releasing a new 7-inch, “Desinfectar” b/w “Black Iron Tongue” at their August 18 O’Leaver’s show. “It was recorded in the fall of 2015 by Ben Brodin at ARC studios,” Vredenburg said. “We’ve been sitting on these for a little longer than anticipated. We sent them off to the pressing plant right around Record Store Day, so, of course, the big dogs slow-up the pressing of smaller runs like ours.”

The tracks also became available today on Bandcamp (but they’re going to sound a whole lot better when you hear them on vinyl). Both songs are very much bad-ass. If you like classic devil-horn metal bolted down by a massive rhythm section you’re going to dig these tracks.

In addition to Vredenburg on bass and vocals, Pro-Magnum includes guitarist John Laughlin (Montee Men), guitarist Alex Kinner (Bib, Borealis) and legendary drummer Pat Oakes (Ladyfinger). That Aug. 18 show will also feature Des Moines band Druids and locals Super Moon.

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Ever notice some local non-profit Board of Directors are a mystery? Who runs these organizations? There’s no mystery with Hear Nebraska. Talk about your transparency, they have their entire Board of Directors listed right there in black and white on their website, so you always know who to love (or who to blame).

I mention this because the HN Board just welcomed a new member — Craig Meier, who you may recognize from the alt-country band Clarence Tilton. Meier also just happens to be the CEO of Medical Solutions. Craig isn’t the only new face on the board. Within the past year, Hear Nebraska welcomed new board members Kristine Hull (who’s also the CFO at Heartland Family Services) and Nic Swiercek (a director at Nebraska Appleseed).

With these additions, HN Board is now a massive 9-member rock ‘n’ roll monstrosity (of which I’ve been a member since its birth, what seems like 40 years ago). Find out more about what HN is and does (things like The Good Living Tour and the upcoming Lincoln Calling Festival) right here

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* * *

One show on the roster tonight: Those Far Out Arrows play at Scriptown Brewing Company in the Blackstone District. If my memory serves, this will be the first show hosted at the brew pub. And in addition to great music, the pub is taking $1 off pints from 8 to 11 p.m. Music starts at 8 and it’s free.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2016 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Ten Question with The Jayhawks (at Slowdown Sunday); M83, Pro-Magnum tonight…

Category: Blog,Interviews — Tags: , , , — @ 1:09 pm July 27, 2016
The Jayhawks play at The Slowdown Sunday night.

The Jayhawks play at The Slowdown Sunday night.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Minneapolis indie folk-rock band The Jayhawks have a history of sorts with Omaha. They’ve been touring through our fair city literally for decades, culminating in a spot on the Maha Music Festival last year — a victory lap of sorts for local fans who remember the band playing to small crowds during the early days.

The band is the product of the mid-80s Twin Cities music scene, releasing their first album in 1986 followed by their Twin/Tone Records debut, Blue Earth, in 1989. They broke in a big way in ’92 with Hollywood Town Hall (American Recordings). Viewed by many as their masterpiece,  the album would have sounded right at home on a ’70s rock radio station, thanks to its laid-back, afternoon melodies.

Often described as an “alt country” band, their sound, especially on their latest album, Paging Mr. Proust (2016, Thirty Tigers), has more in common with acts like Big Star, Pete Yorn, Crosby Stills & Nash and local alt rocker Matthew Sweet. Produced by R.E.M.’s Peter Buck, the new record finds Gary Louris reuniting with the band’s late-’90s line-up.

We tossed our Ten Questions survey to the Jayhawks and bass player Marc Perlman took up the reins.

1. What is your favorite album?

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Marc Perlman: Big Star, #1 Record

2. What is your least favorite song?

“Kokomo,” Beach Boys

3. What do you enjoy most about being in a band?

The music (when it’s working).

4. What do you hate about being in a band?

Washing Gary’s socks.

5. What is your favorite substance (legal or illegal)?

Chocolate covered raisins

6. In what city or town do you love to perform?


7. What city or town did you have your worst gig (and why)?

Utrecht (but it wasn’t my fault)

8. How do you pay your bills?

By the grace of G-d

9. What one profession other than music would you like to attempt; what one profession would you absolutely hate to do?

Professional hand model; the guy who has to clean the dressing rooms after a Jayhawks show.

10. What are the stories you’ve heard about Omaha, Nebraska?

In 1986 the Jayhawks played in front of 6 people at Howard Street Tavern… Matthew Sweet and Conor Oberst sponsor and play in a sand volleyball league at O’Leavers (their team is called the “The Power Poppers”)… the dressing room at Sokol Auditorium is haunted… it’s easy to get lost driving from Omaha to Lincoln…

The Jayhawks play with Fernando Viciconte Sunday, July 31, at The Slowdown, 729 No. 14th St. Tickets are $25 Adv., $40 for balcony seating. Showtime is 8 p.m. For more information, go to theslowdown.com.

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Tonight at Stir Cove it’s the return of indie rock band M83. The band is on the road supporting their new album, Junk (2016, Mute), which was a shift in direction to a more dance-oriented sound than heard on their earlier albums. Opening is NYC-based duo Sofi Tukker. $35, 8 p.m.

Also tonight, the might Pro Magnum headlines at Pageturners Lounge. How will such a loud band translate to such a delicate setting? Find out. Leafblower opens. The free show starts at 9:30.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2016 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Junkfest #20 announced for Nov. 7-8; new Pro-Magnum, new New Lungs; Avi Buffalo tonight…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , — @ 12:54 pm October 29, 2014
Junkfest #20 is Nov. 7-8.

Junkfest #20 is Nov. 7-8.

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

Eclectic tape/record label Unread Records, owned and operated by Nebraska ex-pat Chris Fischer, yesterday announced its “annual festival of grand musics and art,” Junkfest #20.

The epic two-day festival takes place at Sweatshop Gallery Nov. 7 and 8 and includes performances by Simon Joyner, Church of Gravitron, Lonnie Methe, Ramon Speed and lots more. In addition there will be art by Dennis Callaci, Charlie McAlister and others along with “large amounts of pickled eggs and BBQ and hot dogs and shit like that just cause,” Fischer announced. More info as it’s provided. This cotillion has become the must-not-miss social event of the fall…

* * *

Everyone’s favorite audio chaos vendors Pro-Magnum just dropped a new self-titled LP on Bandcamp.  The album was recorded by Ben Brodin at ARC Studio. Says P-M frontman John Vredenburg, “We’re currently in the process of shopping labels and getting ready to press our records.” But you don’t have to wait for some label exec, simply download the LP now right here from Bandcamp.

* * *

New Lungs also dropped a new single yesterday via Bandcamp. The release includes two versions of new song “You Look Lost” — a studio version recorded at Matt Carroll’s Little Machine Studio (and tape mastered by Mike Saklar), and a live version recorded at O’Leaver’s by engineer Ian Aeillo.

In other New Lungs news, the band recently welcomed new drummer Tab Tworek, as Corey Broman now is shifting to keyboards. Of course the band is fronted by Danny Maxwell and rounded out by bassist Craig Fort.

* * *

Tonight at Reverb Sub Pop band Avi Buffalo takes center stage. The band’s recent album, At Best Cuckold (2014, Sub Pop) got a big ol’ 7.2 on the Pitchfork meter. Something about the band’s upbeat indie sound and Avi Zahner-Isenberg’s voice reminds me of super-early Built to Spill or some other PNW band from that era. Staffers opens. $12, 9 p.m.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2014 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Venue 51 to close; Pro-Magnum weenie-fest (so long Paul Hansen) Saturday; Ceremony, S. Carey Sunday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , — @ 12:15 pm July 11, 2014

by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com

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That Scott Severin gig I mentioned in my column a couple weeks ago… turns out it will be the last show ever at Venue 51.

Sevs tells me the club has decided to close its doors and that the July 18 show will be the grand finale. Located at 1951 St. Mary’s Ave., the venue only opened last year. Sevs tells me the place is actually closed right now and won’t open again until that show on the 18th, even though their online calendar shows bookings through August and there’s no mention of their closing on their Facebook page (though the last timeline entry was June 28).

I have to admit to never stepping foot in the club, mainly because it never booked the kind of music I listen to. Actually, it rarely booked bands I’ve even heard of.

Severin is just one of the performers playing the July 18 “last waltz.” Joining him will be touring artist Melissa Greener, and local singer/songwriters Michael Campbell, Pat Gehrman and Logan Krug. Event info here

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* * *

Speaking of upcoming shows, if you missed The Everymen last Sunday (read about them here) fret not, as the band is headed back (to O’Leaver’s again, no less) Aug. 18.

* * *

Paul Hansen of Pro-Magnum wrote to let me know that this Saturday night’s Pro-Mangnum show at fabulous O’Leaver’s is going to be his ad hoc bon voyage party. I’ll let him tell you:

“We are playing with Maps for Travelers. More importantly, from a personal standpoint, this is my last show with the band as I’m leaving Omaha to start graduate studies in Louisiana. Before I depart we are doing this last show and going back into ARC to finish our record with Ben Brodin.  Even more importantly, it’s a Saturday in July and everything pretty much sucks.  To quell the suckiness we are setting up a hot dog/brat bar before the show. $5 bucks gets you into the gig while a handshake and a smile gets you unlimited hot dog access (none of that Kroger brand bullshit either, we are talking Just Good Meats). Yet even more exciting is that we will have a fuck-ton of different toppings to load your dog and or bratwurst with. 

In summation:

Show purpose: Funds for recording.

Why I care: Last show, sentimental, leaving a drunken community I have enjoyed being apart of.

Why anyone else should care: The hot-dog bar

But why would we buy mass quantities of hot-dogs and or brats if we are trying to save, not spend money? Sometimes, Tim, money isn’t an object and the hot dog wins.”

This one will be insane. $5, 9 p.m. Hot dogs. Pro-Magnum. O’Leaver’s. You summer has just been made.

* * *

Sunday night Ceremony (Matador Records) returns to Slowdown Jr. Opening is Angel Dust and Forced Order. $10, 8 p.m.

Meanwhile over at The Waiting Room Sunday night, Bon Iver member S. Carey plays at The Waiting Room with The Pines. $12, 9 p.m.

That’s all I got. If I missed anything, put it in the comments section. Have a good weekend!

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2014 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
