Kasher to enter studio, hit the road in March; new David Bowie (as expected)…
by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com
Tim Kasher’s press folks announced today that he’ll soon be entering the studio to record the follow-up to his 2010 solo LP The Game of Monogamy. Expect to hear his new songs on his upcoming solo tour that starts March 12 in Hamden, CT, includes two nights at his new club (O’Leaver’s) March 20-21, and concludes March 23 at Shuba’s in Chicago. “He’ll be performing new songs in addition to tracks from Monogamy throughout the tour, and an array of friends will back him on varying accompaniment in each city,” says the press release. Wonder if he’ll be doing a surprise warm-up set at O’Leaver’s as well. We’ll have to wait and see.
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Bowie in 2007.
The other hot news of the day is that David Bowie has a new album coming out in March called The Next Day, which I sort of told you about in my 2013 predictions story.
Someone recently asked me about a different prediction from that same article and if I “knew something that they didn’t.” In this case, the answer is yes. Three or four weeks ago I was on the phone with David about something else (I think he was asking about my recipe for mulligatawny soup) and I off-handedly asked if he was working on anything new. He mentioned the new album, but asked me to keep it “on the down low” as he wanted to announce it on his website. So there you have it. Now what about the inevitable tour? If we could only get him to come to Omaha. Attn: Maha Music Festival organizers…
Anyway, more details about the release are here are Reuters. Check out the first track from the album, “Where Are We Now?” below:
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Lazy-i Best of 2012
Here’s another subtle reminder about the Lazy-i Best of 2012 compilation CD giveaway — the collection includes songs by Paul Banks, Tame Impala, Cat Power, The Faint, Ladyfinger, Pujol and a ton more. The full track listing is here (scroll to the bottom). To enter the drawing to win a free copy send an email with your name and mailing address to tim.mcmahan@gmail.com. Hurry! Deadline is Jan. 15.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2013 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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