Mogis-produced Trashcan Sinatras hits shelves May 13; SXSW2016 coverage; Worried Mothers tonight…
by Tim McMahan,
Two curious things about a press release that crossed my electronic desk yesterday…
First, when was the last time anyone thought of the Trashcan Sinatras? I bought a copy of their 1990 debut, Cake, solely on the strength of the band’s name. It turned out to be not a half-bad investment, though it’s not a disc that stands out in my mind. I would try to dig out my copy but Spotify has it, in all its jangly glory.
Now comes word of a new Sinatras’ album, Wild Pendulum, slated for release May 13 on Red River Records, which brings me to the second stand-out point from the one-sheet issued by PR firm Grand Stand. Our very own Mike Mogis is the primary sell point in the headline. I guess Chloe Walsh (formerly of Press Here PR) figures if you don’t remember the Sinatras you’ll at least be familiar with “Bright Eyes’ member/producer extraordinaire” Mogis. For a while now, Mogis has risen to the ranks as one of those producers whose name can sell a record, like an Albini or Phil Ek.
Anyway, check out a couple Mogis-produced Trashcan Sinatra tracks below:
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Some SXSW2016 coverage.
— Kevin Coffey of the Omaha World-Herald wrote about Har Mar Superstar meltdown at Maggie Mae’s last night. Wonder what really happened…
— Paul Trap of The Reader writes about Beach Slang and O’Leaver’s, here.
— Hear Nebraska will be live tweeting throughout the day from the Nebraska Exposed showcase. Here’s their first snapshot:

From the Hear Nebraska twitter account @hearnebraska Follow them for more.
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Tonight at Milk Run, rock giants Worried Mother opens for Silversphere. Also on the bill are Chalant and Blind Girth. $5, 9 p.m.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2016 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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