Will the shows go on? MAS closing festival; Radkey, Thundercat (Sold Out), Unexplained Death tonight; SIlversphere Saturday; Destroyer (CANCELLED), Nap Eyes Sunday…

Destroyer at The Waiting Room, Feb. 3, 2018. The band returns to The Waiting Room Sunday night.
by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com
The million dollar question: Will rock shows currently scheduled still happen this weekend? That’s what everyone’s wondering. Top of mind is the Destroyer/Nap Eyes show at The Waiting Room. There’s no indication the show is (or will be) cancelled, so one assumes it’s all systems go. (Wrong: Destroyer just CANCELLED).
The next question: Will anyone be at the Destroyer/Nap Eyes show? Omaha is a notorious walk-up city — as in a lot of people buy their tickets day of show (because with fees, there’s no advantage to buying advanced tickets unless you think the show will sell out in advance). I know people who have tickets and are on the fence about going, so afraid are they of COVID-19.
I had another person who works at a different club ask if I thought his venue should cancel shows for public health reasons. I said I thought the problem would solve itself — if no one goes to shows because of fear, it’s only a matter of time before venues temporarily shut their doors just to save operating expenses. And there’s the issue of bands cancelling their tours…
Anyway, as of now, the shows I’m listing below for this weekend are still on. Will they be an hour after you read this? Who’s to say?
The folks behind the Midtown Art Supply two-day closing festival have said their shows will go on tonight and tomorrow, and I have no doubt they will. Ten acts are scheduled to perform starting at 6 p.m. tonight at the venue, located at 2576 Harney St., including Effluvium, Las Cruxes and Histrionic. Sixteen bands are slated to perform tomorrow starting at 3 p.m., including Conny Franko and Digital Leather.
Tickets are $7 per day or $10 for a 2-day wristband. For more information, check out the invite at Facebook.
Tonight The Slowdown has its big sold-out Thundercat (of Flying Lotus fame) concert. Joining them are Guapdad 4000. 8 p.m.
Meanwhile, back in Benson tonight, punk trio Radkey
is headlining at Reverb Lounge. Joining them are The Many Colored Death and Gallivant. $12, 9 p.m.
Nothing is holding back the fine folks at The Brothers Lounge, which currently has shows booked tonight and tomorrow night. Tonight’s show features Matt Whipkey’s poli-punk project Unexplained Death, who opens the show at 10:30. Laughing Falcon also is on the bill. $5.
Then tomorrow night (Saturday) Silversphere headlines at The Brothers. Our old friend Darren Keen (of The Show is the Rainbow fame) also is on the bill along with a tba. 9 p.m., and no price listed (but probably $5).
Finally, Sunday night is the aforementioned Destroyer show at The Waiting Room. Nap Eyes, who you read about yesterday, opens the show at 8 p.m. $22. THIS IS CANCELLED!
Now as I said, cancellations can happen in a moment’s notice. The only way to know for sure if the gig is still happening is to call the venue or check their website. If I hear of a cancellation, I will update this page with strikeout text over the listing and the word CANCELLED, so check back if you wanna.
Will I be at any of these shows?
Have a great weekend and WASH YOUR HANDS!
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2020 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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