Remembering Jeff Runnings: Singer, songwriter, musician, friend…

Category: Blog — Tags: — @ 10:41 am March 4, 2025
Jeff Runnings in 2016.

by Tim McMahan,

I only knew Jeff Runnings through his life in music and the music itself. Some of my favorite memories of Jeff were actually our conversations over Facebook instant messenger. Jeff would usually start it, writing about something he was working on musicwise or telling me about some new album he heard that he had to share. He was remarkably opinionated – able to make his thoughts known in words of love or damnation. 

It was probably because of this relationship and our past interviews conducted for local papers that Jeff asked me to lead a discussion with him in front of an audience at the now defunct Hi-Fi House – a home-away-for home for people who loved music on vinyl – way back in the summer of 2016.

Because some readers may not know who Jeff was, below are the biographical notes put together to introduce Jeff at that event, that summarized his career up to that point. 

  • Let’s start with For Against. A Lincoln band, the trio of singer and chief songwriter Jeff Runnings, guitarist/keyboardist Harry Dingman III and drummer Gregory Hill, combined droning, chiming guitars, buzzing synths, and machine-precise percussion with Runnings’ hollow, ghostly voice.
  • In their heyday back in the late ’80s and early ’90s, For Against didn’t exactly fit into a Lincoln scene that included bands like Mercy Rule and Sideshow. While SST-style punk was all the rage in Omaha and Lincoln, For Against was making 4AD/Factory Records-style Euro-pop that bordered on today’s version of electronic dance music. Their sound was directly influenced by ’80s and ’90s-era European post-punk from bands like Durutti Column, Joy Division, Gang of Four and Kitchens of Distinction, more modern acts like Interpol, Editors and The Faint.
  • More recent comparisons would to be bands like DIIV, Echo Lake, Wild Nothing and Weekender.
  • The trio began performing in Lincoln in 1985. After self-releasing a 7-inch, the band signed with Independent Projects Records (IPR) and released their debut full-length, Echelons, in 1987. The music criticism website All Music said of the release: “Balancing an at once crisp, brisk pace and just enough dreaminess in the guitar work, Echelons is a work of nervous tension throughout.”
  • For Against went on a brief US tour — which was a bit of a novelty for Nebraska bands back then. They recorded their follow-up, December, in 1988, which critic Andy Kellman called “…their best, one of the most powerful dream pop releases of the late ’80s.” If you look up For Against in All Music, this is the album they select as the band’s finest, giving it 4.5 stars.
  • That said, shortly after its release, For Against unceremoniously broke up, just as things were getting interesting. Capitol Records was interested in the band, but it wasn’t to be as Hill left the band. Dingman went on to join The Millions with Hill before he and his wife eventually moved to Ft. Collins, Colorado. 
  • Jeff continued For Against with new personnel, releasing four more records:
  • 1993’s Aperture. Mason’s California Lunch Room in 1995, both on Rainbow Quartz, followed by Shelf Life in 1997 on World Domination Records.  Coalesced would be released in 2002 on Minneapolis label Words on Music, who also reissued Echelons and December, and Marshes, a 10-inch originally released by Independent Projects in 1990
  • Then in 2003, Dingman and his wife returned to Lincoln. Jeff said he and Dingman  had barely spoke to each other in 16 years. Eventually, Dingman found himself in Runnings’ living room, and the two decided that For Against should live again.
  • But a funny thing happened in their absence. For Against had quietly become big… in Europe. The song ‘Amen Yves’ that only came out on vinyl, had become a hit with DJs throughout Europe, who had been playing it for years.
  • In 2008 Words on Music released Shade Side, Sunny Side, For Against’s 7th studio album, and the first one to feature Dingman since December. PopMatters gave the record a 7 out of 10 rating, saying “It’s good to know they’re out there, getting better with age, staying true to their sound despite geographical isolation and maybe even (we can hope!) tricking some kids into picking up some post-punk the next time they’re looking for Against Me! or Rise Against.
  • The band toured Greece in spring 2007 and played Spain’s Tanned Tin Festival in Castelló, thanks in part to Spanish label Acuarela Discos. A full European tour was slated for early ’08. “Europe is simply where our fan base is,” Jeff said. “We’ve had offers to play in Rome, Berlin, Amsterdam, Athens and all points in between.”
  • In 2008 For Against released their ninth album, Never Been, again on Words on Music, which would be the last release with Harry Dingman. 

It was here that I asked Jeff to fill in what happened over the next eight years, which he did. Somewhere there’s a videotape recording of our talk, likely sitting on a shelf in some videographer’s closet. 

One reason for the Hi-Fi House event was the release of Primitives and Smalls on Saint Marie Records. Unlike a lot of dream pop, the record wasn’t intended to function as a polite soundtrack for idle daydreaming. It was vengeful and acerbic, and cut deep. It showcased Jeff’s mastery of the post-punk sounds he’d been creating since the ’80s.  

Jeff never quit creating music. Most recently, he was excited about his new album, Piqued, slate for release on Independent Project Records (IPR). The first single, “Batman Forever,” (Batman is the nickname for Runnings’ husband, Sean Applegate), was released at the end of January, and casts the same haunting spell heard on the best For Against albums. Jeff recorded the track, as well as the rest of the album, from his home. It’s a collection I know he’s proud of.

Our last correspondence – via email – was Jeff telling me that the US/Europe press agent for IPR was going to conduct a call with him and Bruce Licher of IPR about the “promotion machine” for the new record. He told me to stay tuned. 

All of this was happening while Jeff continued treatment for the cancer that ended his life yesterday.  He was more than a friend in music; he was a good person with a razor-sharp sense of humor and a heart of gold. I’m going to miss him.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2025 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


IPR releases new Jeff Runnings track (For Against); Go Fund Me, benefit information…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , — @ 9:10 am January 30, 2025

by Tim McMahan,

Record label Independent Project Records (IPR) yesterday dropped the first single from the forthcoming album by Jeff Runnings, frontman/bassist and founder of seminal Lincoln post-punk/dream pop band For Against. 

The track, “Batman Forever,” (Batman is the nickname for Runnings’ husband, Sean Applegate) casts the same haunting spell heard on the best For Against albums. Runnings recorded the track as well as the rest of the album, titled Piqued, from his home. The track was mastered by Warren Defever of His Name Is Alive fame at Third Man in Nashville.  

IPR is a legendary indie label, founded in California in 1980 by musician Bruce Licher, whose roster over the years has included Licher’s bands Savage Republic and Scenic, as well as Camper Van Beethoven, R.E.M., Stereolab and more, including For Against. It’s known as much for its iconic album packaging as the music it released (a special edition of For Against’s debut album received a Grammy nomination its artwork). After a hiatus, the label came back to life in the 2020s. Piqued, which consists mostly of instrumentals, is scheduled to be released later this year on black and colored vinyl as well as compact disc.  

The sobering back story to this news involves Runnings’ battle with cancer.  He was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer last October and has since been in hospice care. A Go Fund Me campaign has been established to help cover the costs (click here to pitch in). In addition, a benefit for Runnings is being held Feb. 8 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Unitarian Church, 6300 A Street in Lincoln.  

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2025 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


Ten Questions with Annalibera (at Milk Run tonight); more For Against reissues in the works…

Category: Blog,Interviews — Tags: , , , — @ 12:49 pm July 25, 2016

Annalibera plays at Milk Run tonight...

A screen-cap from the film “Loveil” by Annalibera.The band plays at Milk Run tonight…

by Tim McMahan,

Annalibera is a project fronted by Nebraska ex-pat now Des Moines resident Anna Gebhardt. She’s been performing since 2012, but made her first indelible mark on the music world with 2015’s Nevermind I Love You, a dense, soaring 8-song collection of chiming, beautiful indie rock songs you absolutely must seek out (It’s on Spotify, btw).

In a change of direction, Gebhardt followed the album with ambient/noise/experimental cassette called Loveil (Warm Gospel Records) that included a 26-minute companion film shot at her family farm in Nebraska. Available on YouTube or at the art film is haunting in a Warhol-ian sort of way. Gebhardt will be joined by drummer David Hurlin for the July 25 Milk Run show performing songs from Loveil, along with new material.

I caught up with Gebhardt and gave her the Ten Questions treatment:

1. What is your favorite album? 

Anna Gebhardt: To answer this question I go by what album I’ve listened to the most times so it’s between Loveless or Heaven or Las Vegas.

2. What is your least favorite song? 

Kid Rock “Picture,” that song makes me want to crawl out of my skin, always has.

3. What do you enjoy most about being in a band? 

The usual stuff, making music, touring, it’s fun.

4. What do you hate about being in a band? 

Juggling everyone’s schedules, all the marketing and emailing.

5. What is your favorite substance (legal or illegal)? 

Water. So versatile.

6. In what city or town do you love top perform?

Not sure I’ve toured enough for this question. Always great shows in Nashville and Chicago. Recently been thinking about a great one in Gorzow Wielkepolski (Poland), but so far I’ve only played there once. A lot of times those smaller towns make for a magical show (if you go on a weekend).

7. What city or town did you have your worst gig (and why)? 

That’s a toss up between Columbus, OH, or Paris. Long story.

8. How do you pay your bills?

With money, unfortunately. (Freelance writing and teaching piano/voice lessons. Occasionally I am employed to be a backup singer! Can’t pay the bills singing in Des Moines, IA, though).

9. What one profession other than music would you like to attempt; what one profession would you absolutely hate to do? 

I would like to study visual art. I would hate to be in business, law or politics – those are not me. I would feel like an actress every day in my suit.

10. What are the stories you’ve heard about Omaha, Nebraska?

Omaha Nebraska wasn’t good enough for me / always thought i was the roaming kind / with a pocket full of dreams and my one shirt on my back / I left there lookin’ for something to find/ Omaha you’ve been weighing heavy on my mind/ Guess I never really left at all/ I’m turning all those roads I walked around the other way / And coming back for you Omaha (When it’s late and people are passing the guitar around I sometimes play this song, one of my favorites!).

Annalibera performs with Devin Frank Vanishing Blues Band, Sean Pratt & the Sweats and Mike Schlesinger Monday, July 25, at Milk Run, 1907 Leavenworth. Tickets are $7, showtime is 9 p.m. For more information, go to

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Some of the For Against relics at Friday night's This is Jeff Runnings program. Photo by Stephen Sheehan.

Some of the For Against relics at Friday night’s This is Jeff Runnings program at Hi-Fi House. Photo by Stephen Sheehan.

Friday night Hi Fi House hosted an appreciation of the music of Jeff Runnings — former frontman of the seminal ’80s-’90s band For Against — as part of HFH’s new “This is…” series. I was asked the day prior to the event to conduct the interview with Jeff alongside Stephen Sheehan, former frontman of ’80s Omaha ambient-rock band Digital Sex. It turned out to be a quite a night.

Runnings brought a rather sizable archive of For Against recordings, posters and other relics that spanned the band’s career. The interview traced the history of the band, with Runnings filling in a lot of blanks along the way. Sheehan provided insightful questions taken from the vantage point of someone who lived in the rock ‘n’ roll trenches alongside them.

The entire interview was videotaped with professional-looking gear (and technicians). I have no idea when or where this video will be made available. The interview was followed by a “listening” of Running’s new solo album, Primitives and Smalls, released earlier this year by Saint Marie Records.

A bit of news that surfaced during the interview — Saint Marie is planning on reissuing four more For Against albums: Aperture (1993) and Mason’s California Lunch Room (1995), both originally released on Rainbow Quartz Records; Shelf Life (1997) released on World Domination, and 2002’s Coalesced, released by Minneapolis label Words on Music. No word on the exact timing of these releases, but they’ll likely drop sometime early next year. There’s even whispers of a possible For Against reunion (but only for Europe).

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2016 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.


This is your life, Jeff Runnings; Cherry Death, Eklectica tonight; Graham Ulicny, Omaha Girls Rock Saturday…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , — @ 1:52 pm July 22, 2016


Jeff Runnings’ career and future career are celebrated tonight at Hi-Fi House.

by Tim McMahan,

The super secret/mysterious Hi-Fi House is putting on a special program tonight at 7 p.m. called “This is, Jeff Runnings.” This celebration of Running’s career “so far” will include a sit-down Q&A discussing his musical endeavors as well as a spin of his latest album, Primitive & Smalls (2016, Saint Marie), which I’m listening to now on my home hi-fi system (worth dramatically less than the one at Hi-Fi House).

Runnings, as you may or may not know, was a member of seminal Lincoln ambient-rock band For Against, which I wrote about waaay back in 2007 when the band reunited. The write-up includes a brief history of the band, whose members also included guitarist/keyboardist Harry Dingman III and drummer Gregory Hill. Runnings was the singer and chief songwriter. Read that story here.

In their day, no one around these parts were writing and performing the kind of music For Against was making. Spotify users can dive into the catalog, though I’m told there may be a vinyl alternative available again soon.

Runnings new album takes the most accessible elements of For Against and modernizes it in beautiful ways. Jeff’s breathy voice lies warmly atop layers and layers of synths and beats that shimmer like a dream. Gorgeous stuff.

I’m not sure what the rules are for Hi Fi House, and there is no information on the Facebook event listing. If you’re interested, I suggest showing up just before the 7 p.m. start time. The house is located at 3724 Farnam St. Capacity is limited to 100. See you there.

What else is happening tonight and this weekend?

Tonight at the infamous Brothers Lounge Oklahoma City indie band Cherry Death headlines. Check out their latest EP here. Opening is Stomach, Carl Miller & The Thrillers and Nathan Ma & The Rosettes. Whoa, that’s a huge bill. This 9 p.m. show will run you $5.

Meanwhile, over at fabulous O’Leaver’s, Waterloo, Iowa band SIRES plays with Eklectica and Lineman’s Rodeo. $5, 9:30 p.m.

Tomorrow night the kids from Omaha Girls Rock! play a summer showcase at The Waiting Room. The free event starts at 5:30 p.m. Then later that night at O’Leaver’s, the Omaha Girls Rock instructors are putting on a show of their own. Who will grace the stage? Find out. $5, 9;30 p.m.

There’s a special program at Kaneko Saturday night — the tbd. dance collective will be performing to live original music by Graham Ulicny of Reptar. In addition, Nik Fackler will be premiering a short film called “One Day, One Month, One Year.” The 6:45 p.m. show is free for Kaneko members and $10 for the rest of you. Kaneko is at 1111 Jones St.

Also Saturday night, Scott Severin performs at The Barley Street Tavern with Two Shakes and Bazille Mills. $5, 9 p.m.

That is all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a red, hot American weekend…

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2016 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.



Jeff Runnings (For Against) signs to Saint Marie, new album in late summer…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , — @ 1:49 pm January 20, 2015

Jeff Runnings of For Against will have his solo debut on Saint Marie later this year.

Jeff Runnings of For Against will have his solo debut on Saint Marie later this year. Photo by Phil Glynn.

by Tim McMahan,

There has been plenty of buzz about about a new For Against album in the making.

Waitaminit? You never heard of For Against? The Lincoln band was one of the first Nebraska acts to make a national mark in the ’80s for its unique take on post-punk. As I said in this 2007 interview with the band, For Against made 4AD/Factory Records-style Euro-pop that bordered on today’s version of electronic dance music. Their sound was directly influenced by ’80s and ’90s-era European post-punk from bands like Durutti Column, Joy Division, Gang of Four and Kitchens of Distinction.

Last year, NYC-based indie label Captured Tracks released a box set of the first three For Against full lengths: Echelons (1987), December (1988) and In the Marshes

(1990), originally released by Independent Project.

Now comes word that For Against frontman Jeff Runnings has signed with Saint Marie records, who will release a new Runnings solo album as well as more For Against reissues. Jeff said he recorded the new album at his home studio last year “then decided to finish by doing the vocals in a ‘proper’ studio with good microphones (Milktone Studios, Lincoln, NE). I mixed the album with Mark Wolberg (owner of Milktone).”

What inspired the making of the record?  “A challenge to myself,” Runnings said. “Can I make a record alone? Guess so! ”

Saint Marie was so impressed with what they heard, they not only offered Runnings a deal for the record, but also expressed “great interest” in reissuing the For Against albums from the ’90s — Aperture, Mason’s California Lunchroom, the long out-of-print Shelflife, and Coalesced.

“The offer was accepted and I signed with Saint Marie,” Runnings said. The label has a focus on shoegaze, dreampop, electronica and more, and includes among its roster Seasurfer, Static Daydream and Scarlet Youth.

The album, Primitives and Smalls, will be available on CD/digital in July or August 2015, Runnings said. He’s still working out details on a vinyl edition. “I play all the instruments on this album, all the vocals, lyrics, etc., which is why it’s a solo album instead of a For Against album,” he said.

Runnings said he’s also contemplating a solo tour in support of the release. “It’s certainly being discussed (Europe, NOT the U.S.); nothing set in stone yet, though,” he said.

Well then, what about a For Against reunion? “I want to get Mave (Steve Hinrichs) and Paul (Engelhard) to tour for the reissues,” Runnings said, “but (I’m) not sure when the reissues will ‘hit the shelves’… before year’s end?” Keep your fingers crossed.

BTW, I’ve heard three tracks off the Runnings solo album and they are, in a word, sublime. For Against fans (and anyone who likes groovy indie dreampop) are in for a treat.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2015 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
