Celebrating Worlds of Wayne’s 200th Episode (in the column); Bloodcow tonight…

Wayne Brekke in his Tiki Bar studio.
by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com
This week’s column talks about the 200th episode of the Worlds of Wayne podcast, of which host Wayne Brekke asked me to be the special guest, just like I was for episode No. 100. I also talk about the film 20 Feet from Stardom (which is now playing at Film Streams), the state of rock music, Thom Yorke and Spotify. Through it all, Wayne provides the obligatory realistic counter-point. You can read the column in this week’s issue of The Reader or online right here. Go there now and read it. GO!
Speaking of Worlds of Wayne, that 200 episode also went online this morning right here at the Worlds of Wayne website. Take a listen, because I very likely won’t be as I have this crazy phobia about hearing my own recorded voice. I don’t think scientists have come up with a name for that condition (yet). Interestingly, I also don’t like looking at photos of myself. Scientists call that “self-loathing.”
Luckily, Wayne doesn’t suffer from either malady. The Reader column captures what Wayne and I talked about before the “tape” started rolling. After he hit the “record” button, we chatted about why he started Worlds of Wayne, what he gets out of it, and the ups and downs of doing interviews.
Among his favorite WofW moments are talks with Ace Frehley of KISS, psychic Kelli Miller and the many live performances captured in studio. The worst moments center around technical glitches, like his interviews with Billy Ray Cyrus and Lee Rocker of the Stray Cats. You’ll have to listen to the podcast to hear what happened (but it underscores why I’ve rarely recorded my interviews of the years).
Worlds of Wayne enjoys a healthy 3,000 downloads per month, Wayne said. The production is a labor of love rather than a search for profit (kind of like Lazy-i). I suspect I’ll be in his studio again for Episode 300 and beyond.
“Everyone seems to want to be on the show,” Wayne said. “I’ll do it until no one wants to be on it anymore.”
That’s not going to be anytime soon, especially considering the cavalcade of stars who showed up for his “open call,” which you’ll hear on Pt. 2 of Episode 200, online soon…
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BTW, I ended up not going to Speedy Ortiz last night due to a very early wake-up call this morning and fear of feeling like a total loser walking into West Wing alone. I need to find someone to go to these shows with me.
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I don’t need anyone to go with me to tonight’s show at O’Leaver’s because everyone already will be there. The headliner: Bloodcow. The openers: Minneapolis bands Birthday Suits and Buildings, and Omaha’s own PRO-MAGNUM, $5, 9:30 p.m.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2013 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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