Live Review: Christopher the Conquered; Tokyo Police Club, WWPJ, Lee Bains III tonight…

Category: Blog,Reviews — Tags: , , — @ 12:51 pm June 6, 2016
Christopher the Conquered at O'Leaver's, June 3, 2016.

Christopher the Conquered at O’Leaver’s, June 3, 2016.

by Tim McMahan,

My birthday night was spent at O’Leaver’s Friday night, where I enjoyed many a Rolling Rock (thanks to Josh and Landon) while enjoying the bar’s new beer garden and watching Christopher the Conquered. O’Leaver’s isn’t just a bar, it’s an “Entertainment Complex,” what with its volleyball courts, tiki bar, beer garden and one of the best sounding rock rooms in Omaha.

Christopher the Conquered also was celebrating something Friday night — the release of his debut LP, I’m Giving Up on Rock & Roll. Backed by a full band,  Christopher belted out a set of piano-driven rock that at times was Broadway-ready. In fact, he should consider developing something for the stage to go along with his theatrical style. I heard people compare him to early Elton John, Freddy Mercury, even Elvis Costello. He reminded me of Minneapolis’ Mark Mallman, who has been doing a similar glammy-style keyboard-driven rock since the late ’90s.

Opening was Rothsteen a.k.a. Peedi Rothsteen formerly of Voodoo Method. A one-man act, Rothsteen sings R&B over pre-recorded beats and tracks. There’s no question he has a terrific voice, but you have to wonder how much further he could go with it if he had a live band backing him.

A couple red hot shows tonight.

The first is Tokyo Police Club and We Were Promised Jetpacks at The Slowdown (big room). Remember when TPC were on Saddle Creek and everyone thought they were going to be the next big thing? WWPJ did a Ten Questions interview last week (read it here). $18, 8 p.m.

Also tonight, yet another Sub Pop band performs at Milk Run. This time it’s Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires. Hailing from Alabama, the band sounds like the reincarnation of Bad Company right down to Lee Bains’ uncanny similarity to Paul Rodgers. Here’s another act with a huge sound that will be crammed inside the micro confines of Milk Run. Pyrate and Detachable Limbs open. $8, 9:30 p.m.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2016 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.



Keeping up with SXSW 2016 (who to follow for festival coverage); Montee Men, David Nance are Live @ O’Leaver’s…

Category: Blog — Tags: , , , , — @ 12:37 pm March 15, 2016
Looking down on Sixth Street from Maggie Mays at South By Southwest 2015.

Looking down on Sixth Street from Maggie Mays at South By Southwest 2015. This year’s SXSW kicks off today.

by Tim McMahan,

The annual South By Southwest music festival is kicking off in Austin today. I would be remiss in not saying it pangs me not being there this year, especially since they’re having 90-degree weather in Austin. The weather at SXSW has blown the past couple of years.

Lots o’ people from Nebraska will be down there. Taking my place (and Chris Aponick’s place) representing/reporting for The Reader is cartoonist Paul Trap. Paul is known first and foremost as the dude behind syndicated comic strip “Thatababy,” which I believe is carried in more than 100 newspapers nationally.

Paul also is a huge indie music fan. If you’ve gone to shows locally over the past few years you’ve probably seen him. When he told me he was going to try going to SXSW this year without a badge I suggested he get one from The Reader and be their correspondent. He took my advice (and so did The Reader), so you’ll be seeing Paul’s updates throughout the week, starting with this one. I’ll post links to more of his updates as they go online.

I can’t wait to see how he illustrates this year’s SXSW for the printed version of The Reader.

Of course Hear Nebraska is going to have a bevy of writers and photographers on hand this year as well. You can follow their hi-jinx at No doubt they’ll be covering Lincoln’s Nebraska Exposed showcase, which takes place tomorrow.

And as always, the Omaha World-Herald‘s Kevin Coffey has conned his paper into sending him to Austin on their dime (and getting paid for it). Look for Kevin’s updates via his twitter feed @owhmusicguy. Oh, what a life.

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This week’s Live @ O’Leaver’s sessions just hit the ‘net. Check them out below. Lush Bruise Crew is David Nance’s band, BTW…

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2016 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.

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