Live Review: Minne Lusa, Domestica; The Drums tonight…

Minne Lusa at O’Leaver’s, April 26, 2019.
by Tim McMahan,
As far as I can tell, there is no music from the band Minne Lusa online anywhere, and that’s a shame, because I’d like to listen to some right now.
Fronted by Matt Rutledge, ex of bands Compost and The Sons of… among others, with guitarist Pat Reefe (ex-Tomato a Day), bassist Alan Legge and drummer Eric Ebers (ex-Ritual Device), you’d expect a bombastic sound. But the vibe was subdued, if not serene, when the four-piece took O’Leaver’s stage Friday night, playing in the dark beneath a shimmering lighting effect that made the stage feel as if under water. So did the music.
Rutledge used what appeared to be a vintage copper microphone that distorted his voice, making it sound static-y and distant. The effect, along with the laid-back groove, reminded me of early Galaxy 500 music. The set was half instrumentals and half sung in French, sort of The Album Leaf meets Daniel Lanois. And while the guitars had a lonely elegance, Ebers’ drumming cut through the shimmer with crisp military precision. That contrast between Ebers and the rest of the band took it to a new place that you’ll want to go to.
I’m told the band has been in the studio; here’s hoping an LP is on its way.

Domestica at O’Leaver’s, April 26, 2019.
The night’s band order for Friday’s show was a bit of a controversy, but in the end no one wanted to follow Domestica. And who can blame them?
The band hit the stage after midnight and ripped through their usual bombastic set. I’ve been watching Heidi and Jon blow up venues for more than 20 years, and it never gets old. And, seemingly, neither do they.
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Tonight at The Waiting Room it’s The Drums. The Brooklyn band fronted by Jonny Pierce released their latest, Brutalism, earlier this month on Anti- Records. Tanukichan, featuring San Francisco’s Hannah Van Loon, opens at 8:30 p.m. $18.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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