R.I.P. Jacob Thiele; Las Cruxes, Unexplained Death, Garst Jocko tonight; Lincoln Exposed all weekend; Normandy Invasion Sunday…

The Faint, circa 2011 with Jacob Thiele sitting.
by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com
Jacob Thiele died yesterday. I only knew him through his music with The Faint, and seeing him perform. Jacob was the guy behind the keyboard who danced so well, or more accurately, moved so well. He looked like a rock star on stage and off.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Jacob a number of times over the years. I only talked to him once outside of an interview setting. It was one of those O’Leaver’s nights. I don’t remember who was playing, but it was probably Icky Blossoms. I’d gotten there a little early and sat alone at the corner of the bar right when you come into the club. Despite years of going to shows alone, I still can feel like a loser alone in a bar, and was trying to look like I didn’t care, watching whatever was on the TV above the bar.
Jacob plopped down in the stool right next to me and we started having a conversation as if we’d known each other for years, which in a strange way, we had. We talked about music, people we both knew. As others came in they said hello to both of us. Man, he knew a lot of people. When the first band started playing, he slipped away and I didn’t see him the rest of the night. I think that was the last time I saw him at a show.
Thiele would end up being replaced in The Faint in the summer of 2015 for reasons that were never discussed but were whispered about. He was a talented guy. The quality of his work with The Faint and other bands cannot be overstated. He will be missed by friends and family, but also by a music community he helped build.
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There are a few shows happening this weekend.
There’s a nice rock show tonight at Dr. Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 No. 102nd St. (the old Brass Knocker) featuring Omaha-by-way-of-LA Spanish-language punk rockers Las Cruxes, Matt Whipkey’s poli-punk project Unexplained Death and Low Long Signal. $7, 9 p.m.
Also tonight you’ll get a chance to hear that Death Cow music I wrote about yesterday as the Lincoln band is playing at Midtown Art Supply, 2578 Harney St., with Garst and Jocko. 8 p.m., $5.
I don’t see any Omaha shows on Saturday. So I guess it’s off to Lincoln for the 15th anniversary of Lincoln Exposed — 115 bands over four days across four Lincoln venues for just $25 for a full-festival-access pass. It’s all weekend long. See the best talent Lincoln has to offer. The full line-up is online right here.
Finally, funny little show going on at Reverb Lounge Sunday night. One of Omaha’s earliest indie bands, The Normandy Invasion, is having a reunion show. The band formed in ’75 and recorded their first single/EP in 1981, “Ain’t no Rock ‘n’ Roll in Russia,” eventually renamed “Ain’t no Rock ‘n’ Roll in Baghdad.” They always only played originals, and that’s still their game. Early 6 p.m. show, $5.
And that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section. Have a great weekend.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2020 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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The Normandy Invasion Show Sunday night…great original music. Not sure about funny. Really looking forward to the show!
Comment by Stine — February 14, 2020 @ 2:04 pm