Whipkey launches Penny Park music/memories project; Kickstarter update: Outlaw Con Bandana, Travelling Mercies…
by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com
Bad weather (or the threat of if) kept me away from the bars all weekend. What month is it, anyway? March? March used to be “kite-flying month.” Not anymore. Thank you global climate change.
Over the weekend, Matt Whipkey launched his Penny Park Omaha, NE Summer 1989 project. For those too young to remember, there was this urban amusement park located where the Hy-Vee currently stands at 79th and Cass St. I always thought the park itself was kind of shitty, but the lagoon, well, that was special.
Anyway, it was called Peony Park, not Penny Park. But there were some legal questions tied around using the Peony Park name. Whipkey points out that the record isn’t specifically about the park but about a girl named Penny Park.
“Penny Park is a person. Peony was an amusement park. The former spent a great deal of time at the later. This is a record about a girl
,” says the mypennypark.com website.
As part of the recording project, Whipkey is asking people to send in their memories and photos of Peony Park. Those photos may be used in the album’s gatefold. We’re talking about a 21-song double vinyl album, folks. In fact, tomorrow, Whipkey will be launching a Kickstarter campaign to help fund its production.
For now, here are a couple recordings that will give you a flavor of the project:
Speaking of Kickstarter projects…
Outlaw Con Bandana is currently running a Kickstarter to help produce a new double-vinyl LP and writing collection.
“White Pariah is a micro publishing company started by four friends from Omaha, NE. The Ticks and Trips vinyl and writing collection will mark our first release. We’ve worked really hard to make sure this thing rules. The writing collection has a bunch of great prose, and poetry from Brendan as well as some old photos we had him dig up from the depths. The booklet also features lyrics to all 27 songs featured on the album, which we had fun making Brendan type up. We hope everyone loves sitting down and going through this thing.”
OCB is only trying to raise $1,000 and currently is at the $865 mark with four days to go. Go to his Kickstarter page and give him a hand.
About a month ago I told you about the Kickstarter campaign for Travelling Mercies’ Motel album. Well, according to that Kickstarter site
, the band has met it’s $4,000 goal (though the pledges listed don’t add up to $4,000 — I’m not sure how that works. Regardless, congratulations are in order).
Kickstarter is quickly becoming a accepted way for artists to “pre-sale” their albums, effectively funding their production and taking away a lot of the risk involved. For better or worse, it’s become a primary business model for independent musicians.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2013 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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Tim – I’m guessing the reason the Kickstarter numbers don’t “add up” is that the reward levels are kind of suggested numbers. For example, you can donate $50 and choose the $20 reward. We had quite a few people pledge more money than the corresponding level. Some people even donated for no reward (Maybe they like us, but not the music). Anyway, thanks for plugging Travelling Mercies!
Comment by Jeremy — March 28, 2013 @ 1:19 pm