Thunder Power(!!!), Coffin Killers tonight; Domestica, Peace Center benefit tomorrow…

Category: Blog — @ 12:28 pm August 15, 2008

So this is how it goes for the weekend:

Tonight at Slowdown Jr., it’s the Thunder Power!!! CD release show. I don’t know if I ever talked to Thunder Power!!! before, but if I had, I would have asked why the three exclamation points at the end of their name. Boastful? Not if you really have “thunder power.” TP!!! is one of those local bands that completely reinvented itself from about a year (or more) ago, adding a vocalist that sounds like Chan Marshall meets Opal Sandoval — nice. The CD being celebrated is actually an EP titled Love Yourself, and to help facilitate you young-‘uns, TP!!! has a notary in the band who can witness the required permission-slip signing by your parents, needed for pre-18ers to attend all-ages shows at The Slowdown. Is having a notary in your band the beginning of a trend? Opening is DC’s These United States, Omaha mega-combo Midwest Dilemma and sweet musings of Honeybee. 9 p.m., $5.

Meanwhile, if you prefer something a bit more rough and angry, SST-flavored punk band The Coffin Killers are playing at The 49’r with School of Arms and The Matador. $5, 9 p.m.

Two hot shows tomorrow night (Saturday): Over at The Waiting Room it’s the Peace Center benefit featuring Baby Walrus, Orenda Fink, McCarthy Trenching, Outlaw Con Bandana, Bill Hoover, Simon Joyner, Bear Country and the Watch. Every penny of the $10 cover will go toward the Peace Center, which eventually will direct military members and their families to the YWCA Omaha for free, confidential treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. Get the details at the OWH (here). This one starts early — 7 p.m.

Later Saturday night (at around 9:30) at O’Leaver’s it’s the return of Lincoln’s Domestica and The Third Men. $5, 9 p.m. See you there.

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