New Stef Chura; Nebraska mini-doc features Dereck Higgins…

Stef Chura’s new album, Midnight, comes out on Saddle Creek Records June 7.
by Tim McMahan,
Stef Chura, one of Saddle Creek Records’ more recent signings, announced this morning her new album, Midnight, will drop June 7. The album was produced by Will Toledo of Car Seat Headrest and is likely to be much more rough-hewn than Chura’s 2017 Creek debut Messes
. Certainly the first track, “Method Man,” seems to support that theory.
You can order the limited-edition blue glow-in-the-dark splatter vinyl at the Saddle Creek store
Chura also announced an Omaha date for her summer tour — Aug. 6 at Reverb Lounge.
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Musician Dereck Higgins (DHX, R.A.F., ex-Digital Sex) is the subject of a new mini-documentary about Nebraska from filmmaker Brad Barber.
“States of America” is a series of documentary shorts, featuring one person in each of the 50 states. New state episodes are released once a month until all 50 are complete. Higgins said he doesn’t know how his name got submitted for the project. “They interviewed me on the phone. About a month later they called back saying I was chosen,” he said. “I have no idea who suggested me.”
In the 5-minute video, Higgins talks about living in Nebraska and the role music plays in his life. There’s also some tasty footage of Higgins performing in R.A.F. Check it out below.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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