Conor goes online and in print; Bad Speler (Darren Keen), Family Picnic, The Benningtons tonight…

Category: Blog — Tags: , — @ 1:55 pm January 25, 2012

by Tim McMahan,

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Not a whole helluva lot to report today.

A video of a couple songs from Conor Oberst’s solo performance at Krug Park last weekend went online today. You can watch it here (it’s a vimeocast). The tunes are “Lenders in the Temple” and “Laura Laurent.” It’s dark. It’s black & white. But the sound ain’t bad. I would have embedded it, but Vimeo doesn’t play nice with WordPress (or at least I can’t get it to).

Conor’s been busy around here lately. The OWH reported here

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that he and 16 other musicians signed a letter “calling on state lawmakers to pull the plug on a proposal that would ban Omaha and other communities from passing anti-discrimination ordinances.” At issue is Omaha City Councilman Ben Gray’s proposed ordinance to ban discrimination against homosexual and transgender people. As a result, State Sen. Beau McCoy of Omaha introduced Legislative Bill 912 that would bar cities from passing such ordinances. McCoy doesn’t want these bans handled on a city-by-city basis. So does that mean he supports a REAL statewide ban against such discrimination? The story doesn’t say. Others signers included members of The Faint, Big Harp, So So Sailors and Honeybee & Hers, the article said. It’s a complicated issue. Want to get involved? Check out

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Tonight at House of Loom, Bad Speler a.k.a. Darren Keen conducts his monthly evening of musical madness that he calls Good Speakers. Read more about the event here. It’s free and starts at 9.

Also tonight, local indie janglers Family Picnic, The Benningtons and Betsy Wells take the stage at Slowdown Jr. for a free show that starts at 9.

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Tomorrow: Remembering Dave

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2012 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.




Having another one at Krug Park; Hermit Thrushes tonight…

Category: Blog — Tags: — @ 12:49 pm September 26, 2011

by Tim McMahan,

Krug Park logo

Zero music this past weekend. Blame Krug Park, where I had my inaugural visit Saturday night, figuring (correctly) that the place wouldn’t be crowded, what with the Huskers playing (For those of us who don’t follow the Big N, Husker Saturdays provide a whole new realm of dining possibilities previously unattainable on a typical Saturday night — there is no better time to get a table at that restaurant you’ve been dying to try).

For those who haven’t been there, Krug Park, located right across the street from The Waiting Room in Benson, boasts sixty-some beers on tap and tons more in bottles. No, you won’t find a Rolling Rock or Bud Light in the place, instead you’ll find a collection of local, regional and world beers that will make your head spin (literally). It’s a beautifully designed space, with a huge bar, comfortable low booths and tall stools along the front window that look out at the mothership across the street. Lighting is moody and fantastic; the music is tasteful jukebox stuff at a perfect sound level — loud enough to get your feet tapping, but not too loud as you can’t hear the person sitting across from you (However, I don’t know if that’s true when they’ve got a packed house).

My first thought when handed the rather large menu was to try an espresso or coffee beer, but the lovely barmaid who served us said those beers are apparently “out of season” (coffee out of season?). Instead I started with a pint of Rogue Chocolate Stout that was like drinking a slice of German Chocolate cake. Rich and tasty, but 16 oz. is way too much. Lovely barmaid suggested I follow it with a Delirium Nocturnum, which came in a brandy snifter-type glass and was fruity and full bodied and delicious. And potent. My head began to swim before I drained the glass. Now you know why I didn’t make it to any shows Saturday night.

This beer is pricey stuff. The pint was $5.50; the smaller snifter-sized glass was $7+. But what can I say, it tasted better than Rolling Rock (and was much more potent). Definitely good times. My only question was how the Krug beermasters manage to offer that many different on-tap beers without any getting stale. Or maybe they’re turning 60 half-pony kegs a week. Who knows. All I know is my beer was fresh and frothy and good. And that I’ll be back. Check out their website for a full menu and drink specials.

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I still drinking Rolling Rock. And one of the best places to get one is at O’Leaver’s, where tonight Noah Sterba and the Cocktails and Family Picnic perform with Philly experimental combo Hermit Thrushes. $5, 9:30 p.m.

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2011 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
