Clever (yes, that Clever), Bottle Tops tonight; Bad Ideas tomorrow…

Clever, circa 1999. The band plays tonight at The Waiting Room.
by Tim McMahan,
No touring national indie acts coming through town this weekend (again).
One reunion of note: Clever plays at The Waiting Room tonight with Mandown and Carson City Heat. If you don’t remember Clever, here’s a Lazy-i interview with the band from 1999. It’s a funny read as it pre-dates the Saddle Creek Records explosion. As Clever guitarist Paul Moerke said at the time, “Our fans want us to do well, and they know there’s nothing going on in Omaha; there is no new game in town.” Those were indeed dark days around here. So how’d that move to St. Louis work out for you, boys? If you go tonight, expect to see a lot of Ranch Bowl veterans… $8, 9 p.m.
That’s about it for 1% shows this weekend.
O’Leaver’s has nothing tonight and a death metal show tomorrow night.
Barley Street is hosting a roots country music night headlined by The Bottle Tops tonight. 9 p.m. $5.
Milk Run is doing a punk show tomorrow night (Saturday) with KC’s The Bad Ideas, No Thanks and Jocko. $7, 9 p.m.
Uh, let’s see. That’s about it. Looks like another Brothers weekend for me.
Hey, it’s the holidays, right? Catch up with your peeps. Get your Christmas shopping done. Stand in line for Star Wars. Have a great weekend.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2015 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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