Beyond #TBT: Sideshow’s Eggplants and Sunspots remastered…

Lincoln band Sideshow back in the day…
by Tim McMahan,
Now here’s some welcome Throwback Thursday news…
Yesterday former Caufield Records label executive Bernie McGinn posted a link to a newly remastered (by Eric Medley no less) version of the seminal 1993 album Eggplants and Sunspots by Nebraska golden age Lincoln band Sideshow.
When first released, the album made quite a splash down at the old Antiquarium and throughout the world as the trio of frontman/bassist McGinn, guitarist Rich Higgins and drummer Pawl Tisdale barnstormed parts of the great Midwest touring their unique brand of punk.

Who remembers this, circa Nov. 1994?
I’ve heard this record described as emo; to me it had more in common with Seattle grunge, thanks to its overall bombastic quality. Sideshow were always a good compliment to Lincoln band Mercy Rule, who had a similar anthemic style to their music. No doubt the two bands often performed together, including one memorable trip to Des Moines that was documented in a story published in The Note back in ’93 (One day I’ll put that story online… or in a book).
These days Tisdale plays drums for Domestica (a new incarnation of Mercy Rule), McGinn lives somewhere in San Francisco and I have no idea of the whereabouts of Rich Higgins. Here’s hoping he’s alive and well and open to doing a national tour in support of this Sideshow “rerelease”… or at least a reunion show at The Waiting Room.
Listening to the album again this morning, it’s held up quite well. Give it a spin and buy a download.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2019 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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