Jeremy Mercy/Rapture Orphans tonight; Punk Rock BBQ Saturday…

Category: Blog — @ 10:08 am August 23, 2024
Hand Painted Police Car at Almost Music, April 16, 2016. The band plays the annual Punk Rock BBQ at Reverb Saturday.

by Tim McMahan,

No touring indie/college bands are coming through town this weekend (What else is new?).

Tonight, Jeremy Mercy and the Rapture Orphans are headlining at The Sydney. Mercy has been releasing a series of new country-rock singles, including the one below. Are these part of an upcoming album? Ask him tonight. Joining Mercy and his band are Frankie Chiaro and Watson & Co. $10, 8 p.m. 

Tomorrow, Black Heart Booking hosts its annual Punk Rock BBQ at Reverb Lounge. The “summer tradition” combines “the love of loud, crazy punk rock music and delicious flame-seared delicacies.” Among the bands are Hand Painted Police Car, DSM-5 and Bad Actors. Full line-up and details here. $30, 4 p.m. 

And that about does it. There’s basically nothing happening indie/college music-wise for the balance of the month, which is a shame considering we’ll be entering Husker Hell soon. Oh well… Have a great weekend….

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.

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