Random Notes (Closeness, Porchfest, Whipkey)…; Brad Hoshaw shifts modes tonight…

Brad Hoshaw fronting the Seven Deadlies at The Waiting Room way back on Nov. 12, 2011. He’s playing tonight at the Mode Shift membership kickoff at Ted & Wallys.
by Tim McMahan, Lazy-i.com
A few odds and ends on this sleepy Wednesday…
… Todd and Orenda Fink announced a partnership between Maha and the Bemis during the Maha Festival last weekend, though no one gave any details about what that partnership entails. What we do know is that Closeness will be playing at Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts Oct. 29 with Cults, who have a new album coming out on Sinderlyn Records Oct. 6.
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…I’m getting wind of a brand new record label about to be announced that will release new material from a handful of local acts. Details are forthcoming, but this will include the return of a long-time Omaha fave…
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…What’s Porchfest? It’s a festival that includes musicians, bands, comedians, spoken word artists, and live art performances on five porch stages and the Farmer’s Market stage the evening of Sept. 29 in Omaha’s Gifford Park Neighborhood, 33rd and California.
Bands include Jack Hotel, Matt Cox, The Bottle Tops, McCarthy Trenching, Midwest Dilemma, Picklegrass, The Shineys, The Bedrock and Scott Severin, among others. Among the sponsors is The Reader. More info and schedules are forthcoming, but I’m told you can find out at porchfestoma.com.
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What else…
Though Matt Whipkey met his goal during his recent Pledge Music drive for his upcoming albums, Best New Music and Driver, you can still purchase your copies right here.
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Tonight is the Mode Shift Membership Kickoff Party outside of Ted and Wally’s in Benson. Mode Shift Omaha advocates for transportation options that enhance quality of life and opportunities for everyone to live, work, and play. They’re all about you getting your ass to wherever you need to get it to via feet, cycling or taking the bus instead of driving.
You can learn all about Mode Shift at the party between 7 and 9 p.m., become a member, and enjoy some sweet sounds of Mr. Brad Hoshaw, who more than once I’ve seen standing at a bus stop. More info here.
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2017 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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also, there’s a killer punk show tonight at Lookout Lounge:
the Lillingtons (Wyoming)
the Killigans
Avenues (Wisconsin)
Liar Wire
Comment by BHB — August 23, 2017 @ 1:10 pm