Desaparecidos, Digital Leather, Twin Peaks tonight…

Desaparecidos circa 2002. The band plays tonight at The Waiting Room.
by Tim McMahan,
Let holiday week begin. And begin it does in a big way tonight with dueling shows.
Top of the list is Desaparecidos at The Waiting Room. I guess the band figured since they were all in town working on the new record anyway, might as well do a show. Don’t be surprised if you get a sneak peek at their upcoming Epitaph release tonight. Opening is the always entertaining Digital Leather and hip-hop act BOTH. $20, 9 p.m. Get your tickets here.
Also tonight Chicago band Twin Peaks headlines a show at Midtown Art Supply, 2578 Harney Street. No, the venue isn’t a Dick Blick, it’s a warehouse where Eyeball Productions hosted a Trash Talk show a while back. What does Twin Peaks sound like? Here’s how I described their latest record in The Reader:
Twin Peaks, Wild Onion (Grand Jury) — Is electric-guitar-fueled power-pop back again? The throw-back style of this Chicago band’s good-time songs will have you thinking so. It’s like The Kinks combined with every band on the Titan! label. The 16-song collection is only 40 minutes long, which means most songs clock in under the 3-minute mark — a bitter-sweet thing.
Opening the gig is Telephathy Problems and Eric in Outerspace. $8, all ages, 9 p.m.
So which show to go to? Maybe both?
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2014 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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