Destroyer/Mal Madrigal, Monroes/Domestica, Shanks/Terminals tonight; Cops/Criteria tomorrow…

Category: Blog — @ 6:21 pm May 2, 2008

I tried to interview Destroyer. I sent the request in a month ago with the publicist. After a few weeks of back and forth, she said she just couldn’t work it out with Destroyer main guy Dan Bejar, but that he would be willing to do an e-mail interview. I hate e-mail interviews because there’s no chance for follow-up or clarification of answers, and you never know who really is answering the questions (On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog, etc.). But I figured an e-mail interview was better than nothing, so I wrote a list of questions and sent them off. Time passed. I nudged the publicist. She nudged Bejar. He remained unresponsive. A day after the deadline I was told Dan didn’t have time to do an e-mail interview after all. It happens, it happens…

I love the new Destroyer album, Trouble in Dreams, on mighty Merge Records. The music is a combination of Bowie, Jarvis Cocker, and Bejar’s other project, New Pornographers. Repeated listenings reap glorious psychedelic benefits. And so, I have to wonder how he’s going to make it sound on The Waiting Room stage tonight, where he performs along with Andre Ethier and Mal Madrigal.

And speaking of Mal Madrigal, I got an e-mail from MM’s Steve Bartolomei saying that both of his simultaneously released vinyl-only recordings — The Road Is Glue and Life Among the Animals — are back in stock and available at The Antiquarium, the Saddle Creek online record store and (one assumes) at tonight’s show. They are worth your hard-earned rubles. Steve also mentioned that Mal is beginning to record the follow-up, and you might get a sneak-peek at those songs tonight. $12, 9 p.m.

Also tonight, the return of The Monroes and Domestica to Slowdown, this time on the small stage with Lincoln band The Sleepover Show. Will there be Hot Wheels races at this one, too? Is it possible for Jon Taylor to make his guitar sound louder than it did last time? Find out at 9 p.m., $6.

And finally, over at the notorious Saddle Creek Bar it’s a night of garage punk madness featuring The Terminals, The Shanks and Mosquito Bandito. I’m trying to imagine what The Shanks — a squall-punk maelstrom-noise nightmare when they play at O’Leaver’s, will sound like on SCB’s hole-in-the-wall (literally) stage powered by 4,000 pounds of assorted antiquated PA amps. Earplugs are a necessity. Put a “Nice Price” sticker on this one — Free. Starts at 9.

And, don’t forget O’Leaver’s. Booker/soundman/intern Brendan Walsh’s favorite touring band — The Voodoo Organist — is playing along with scatter-punk phenoms Bazooka Shootout. 9:30, $5.

What’s going on Saturday?

The marquee event is, of course, at Slowdown Jr. (they still haven’t moved it to the big stage) featuring The Cops, Little Brazil and Race for Titles, with special guest, Criteria. Even without Criteria this would have been sweet on the “big stage.” As it is, I suspect it will sell out sometime tomorrow. Get your $8 ticket today before it’s too late. The rock starts at 9 sharp.

And now, the show that’s flying beneath everyone’s radar: The Night Marchers at The Waiting Room. Who are the Night Marchers? It’s a new punk band featuring John Reis a.k.a. Speedo a.k.a. The Swami — a seminal member of Rocket from the Crypt, Drive Like Jehu and Hot Snakes fame. I’m told if you liked any of Reis’ old bands you’re gonna love this one. Opening is Muslims and Omaha’s own Bombardment Society. $12, 9 p.m.

Also Saturday night, over at The 49’r it’s Greg Loftis’ rock odyssey Malpais, with Beat Seekers. Probably $5, probably around 10. Over at O’Leaver’s it’s Cheap Hookers (the band, not the, uh, hookers) and Radio Moscow. $5, 9:30 p.m.

Also of note, West Omaha lounge The Bar Fly is featuring some very un-loungy music in the form of grit-rock cowboys The Filter Kings and Lincoln knee-to-the-groin bad asses Forty-Twenty. I have visions of baseball-cap-backwards-wearing geeks running for the doors when these guys start smashing beer bottles against amps. Fun! $7, 9 p.m.

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