A healing weekend… of rock!

Category: Blog — @ 12:21 pm May 19, 2006

Glancing at the calendar, not a good time to be sick as a dog (though my cold appears to be subsiding) . Strange weekend of shows. Let’s take a look:

Tonight, maybe the strangest gig of all: Cloud Cult at O’Leaver’s. It’s the Minneapolis band’s so-called “Eco-Friendly” Tour. These six hippies travel around in a solar-powered van playing indie rock that’s been compared to Modest Mouse. Instrumentation includes cello, drums, bass, random electronics, keyboard and guitar. With them on stage (according to their one-sheet) will be live painters and back-screen video projection (better start tearing a hole in the back of the stage, Sean). How all this stuff will fit inside O’Leaver’s, no one can say. Maybe the painters can do their thing down in the basement? I’ve been told by someone at the bar that they’ve been informed that “a busload of people will be arriving to attend the show.” This has all the makings of a classic episode of my new hit half-hour sitcom about the Omaha scene that I should be writing for HBO. Opening is The Amateurs. $5, 9:30 p.m.

Your best bet may be to head to Mike’s in CB and see Members of the Press with Bullets for Baby and LouderThanLove, all for only $3. MotP is Randy Cotton’s band, and is the last bastion of angst/noise/punk left over from the old Ritual Device days now that Saklar is playing pretty guitar solos and Moss is missing in action somewhere in a cloud of San Francisco stoner rock. 162 W. Broadway.

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Tomorrow (Saturday): Bloodcow and Life After Laserdisque at O’Leaver’s — talk about a strange combination, but LAL prides itself on playing with any style of music (remember that hip-hop show just a few weeks ago?). $5, 9 p.m.

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And lest we forget, The Third Men and Pendrakes are playing at the The 49’r Saturday night as well.

That brings us to Sunday, and the return of Past Punchy and the Presents at O’Leaver’s along with Le Beat and possibly a surprise third band. Mr. Thornton ain’t saying exactly what he has up his sleeve, but it could get interesting. This will be the last time that Omahans will be hearing from Past Punchy’s Alex McManus for awhile as he heads out of town on travels that I’m told includes some touring with one of his many former bands. $5, 9 p.m.

And as extra credit, I want to give an early shout-out to a show next Monday at O’Leaver’s (jeeze, you’d think I work there or something). The Omaha/Lincoln band The Terminals featuring the legendary Dave Goldberg takes the stage along with The Rat Traps. This show could make me painfully late for work on Tuesday.

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