Live Review: TSITR(HM); glance at the weekend; Make Believe

Category: Blog — @ 12:31 pm July 22, 2005

So after losing all evening at the track (Horseman’s Park — I’ll be there again tonight and tomorrow, it comes but once a year, you know) I trotted down to Sokol Underground for The Show Is the Rainbow’s Homosexual Mohawk CD release show. Since it was only 11:15 and four bands were scheduled to play, I figured I’d get there in plenty of time to see TSITR’s AKA Darren Keen do his thing. But as I walked up to the place, the promoter, who was busy on his cell phone, told me Keen’s set was already half over and would be all over in a few minutes. Sure enough, Keen and his band were on stage belting out their new mega-fast punk explosions. As advertised, each song was a minute or less long. Call it spunky-new wave-metal-punkcore, with Keen throwing in a few tasty metal guitar licks here and there. No real stage hi-jinx other than Keen’s between-song banter, which usually lasted longer than the songs themselves. It was kind of like VH1 Storytellers on meth. The crowd of 125 ate it up, and the whole thing was by 11:30.

Here’s what’s happening in your world musicwise this weekend: Tonight it’s hoe-down/blarney rock with FortyTwenty (the hoe-down part) and The Killigans (the blarney part) at Sokol Underground. $7, 9 p.m.

Tomorrow night: Omaha mathy noiserock ensemble Fromanhole is at O’Leaver’s with Minnesota’s Self-Evident and Iowa’s Save A Bum Foundation. $5, 9:30 p.m. Sokol Underground/1 Percent are hosting three bands I know nothing about (which means they’re probably metal or hardcore) Escaping Sobriety, Red #9 and Donky Punch — no price or band description on the 1 Percent site.

Sunday night the I-don’t-know-them-so-it-must-be-metal rule applies again at Sokol Underground with Nodes of Ranvier, Barter the Trigger, The Fall of Athens and Damiera. $8, 9:30 p.m.

***CD Review***

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Make Believe, self titled EP (Flameshovel) — The latest by the Kinsella brothers (Tim and Nate). Intricate art-noise that rarely fails to grate. In all fairness, the keyboard-bass-driven “Temping as a Shaman,” jammy “Witchcraft” and Karate-esque “Abracadabra – Thumbs!” are about as close as these Kinsellas have gotten to approachable (listenable) music in years, but it’s still a reach-too-far toward the abstract. Better than Owls, but what isn’t? Repeated listenings are rewarded with a tension headache. Rating: No.

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