OMG, where’s Slam? Madder tribute tonight…

Category: Blog — @ 6:19 pm May 15, 2008

Across the city, web-connected musicians, bored office deadbeats and the hard-wired unemployed are moaning collectively over the apparent temporary capsizing of Omaha music social hub SLAM Omaha, which has been down since early last night. The site says that it’s suffering from “database problems.” But what does that really mean? Those of you suffering from SLAM withdrawals who are desperate for a place to vent your spleen (about a music-related topic) feel free to post away on the Lazy-i webboard. It’s little solace, I know, but something tells me that SLAM will be back shortly, and better than ever.

Of course tonight’s big show is the Joe “Madder” Kenny tribute concert down at Sokol Underground. As I mentioned yesterday, the showcase features some of the city’s finest punk acts, including The Deformities, The Upsets, The Shanks, Filthy Few, The Filter Kings and Brimstone Howl. Cost is $7, with all money going to the Kenny family. Doors open at 7, bands are at 8. Get down there and rock for a good cause.

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