Live Review: Third Men/King Shi_; release shows abound this weekend…

Category: Blog — @ 6:43 pm December 21, 2007

It’s probably not fair to the rest of the band, but really, the highlight of any Third Men show that’s dedicated to cover songs (like last night’s at The Waiting Room) is hearing Mike Tulis belt out a song (or two!). Going in, you never know if Tulis will do any songs at all. It’s always a game-time decision, and there’s always a chance you’re going to leave disappointed. Not last night. Not only did we get Tulis’ rousing version of Nick Gilder’s “Hot Child in the City,” but we also got Argent’s “Hold Your Head Up” performed as only Tulis can — with fist held high in a brazen act of pride, anger, defiance. It was a true rock moment.

King Shit and the Golden Boys is a Guided by Voices tribute band that features frontman/guitarist Mario Alderfer in the role of Robert Pollard, with drummer/vocalist Robert Little, guitarist/vocalist Matt Stamp and a fourth guy on bass who I don’t know. It wasn’t a spot-on replica of GBV. That would have required the band to be drunk off their asses surrounded by spent Budweisers and cigarette butts (Who remembers the 2000 GBV show at Sokol Underground?). Me, all I wanted to hear was “I Am a Scientist.” I like GBV, but I’m not a huge fan. I got my wish toward the end of the set. They did all that you can hope for from any tribute band: They made me reconsider GBV’s catalog of songs and seek out the originals when I got home.

* * *

It’s CD-release party weekend. There are two of them tonight, and one vinyl release show tomorrow. Don’t these people know that they’re gonna get screwed when it comes time for the critics to make their “best of” lists? They’ve already filed their ’07 lists, and who will remember December releases this time next year?

The two tonight: Civicminded celebrates its new LP, Sequence, at The Waiting Room with Race for Titles, Sleep Said the Monster and Paper Owls. Your $8 admission gets you a copy of the new disc. 9 p.m. Meanwhile, down at Mick’s, Goodbye Sunday is celebrating the release of a new four-song EP, with John Henry and The Cicadas. 9 p.m., $5. GS plays first because, according to Cami Rawlings in yesterday’s OWH: “We’re old, and we like to get it done. I’m 40. I can’t stay up until 1 anymore.” Come on.

I’ll probably end up at O’Leaver’s tonight for Reagan & the Rayguns, Thunder Power!!!, and Noah’s Ark was a Spaceship. I’ve been told by a ton of people that Noah’s Ark ain’t the same boat that I heard a year (or two) ago. $5, 9:30 p.m.

I won’t be missing tomorrow night’s vinyl release show for Mal Madrigal‘s two new LPs, performed on Slowdown’s big stage (This was originally slated for Slowdown Jr.). Seriously, someone should sell turntables at this show. Why not? Playing with Steve Bartolomei and Co. is Ted Stevens, Dan McCarthy and “special guests.” Who could that be? $7, 9 p.m.

If you miss this show, you can see an abbreviated version at O’Leaver’s on Christmas night, with Steve Bartolomei, McCarthy Trenching and Outlaw Con Bandana. Go to the one at Slowdown, though, just because.

Also Saturday night, a very special holiday evening with Bad Luck Charm at The 49, along with Santa’s little helpers, The Deformities. $5, 10 p.m.

And also Saturday night, Song Remains the Same plays (again) at The Waiting Room. $7, 9 p.m., while, over at O’Leaver’s, it’s The Lepers with Matt Cox. $5, 9:30.

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