Everything and nothing this weekend/next week; Lazy-i goes on a brief hiatus…

Category: Blog — @ 2:14 pm August 25, 2006

That’s right, it’s time for another hiatus for Lazy-I And I’ll be out of town during one of the better weekends for shows this summer. What a drag! In fact, I’m going to miss what could be one of the best shows of the year tonight in Council Bluffs, with Sonic Youth, Flaming Lips and Magic Numbers (of the three, the band I actually would be most excited to see). Judging by its lack of listing on the stir.com site, I assume the show is sold out.

Then tomorrow night is Frank Black at Sokol Underground with Kyle Harvey opening. While I think The Pixies is the most influential band of the ’90s, Frank’s solo material has always been somewhat lacking, especially his new double-CD. That shouldn’t prevent this from being a landmark show. Tickets are still available for $15… for now. Meanwhile also tomorrow night, Randy Cotton’s band, Members of the Press, are doing a set down at O’Leaver’s with The Shanks and The Lepers. $5, 9:30 p.m.

But if I was here tomorrow night, I’d be making the trek down to Lincoln to see Domestica with Head of Femur, Ideal Cleaners and The Killigans at Duffy’s. That show starts at 8 p.m., and Domestica will be on first, so get there early. No idea on the cover; whatever it is, it’s worth it.

Moving on to next week, Tuesday night is Gays in the Military with Shinyville and Plack Blague (I got the band’s name wrong in the story because I took it off the O’Leaver’s site — stupid me). Should be theatrical/flamboyant. $5, 9:30 p.m.

Next Friday night, The Bombardment Society (with new bass player Lincoln Dickison of The Monroes) plays Sokol Underground with The Stay Awake and The Free Radicals. $7.

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And then Saturday night, Sept. 2 is a special show at The Saddle Creek Bar — yes, that Saddle Creek Bar, the one on 1410 Saddle Creek Rd. — featuring Oh No! Oh My!, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, and Whispertown 2000 (who opened for Jenny Lewis back in March). Next week’s Lazy-I column will focus on the Saddle Creek Bar and its emergence as a new music venue that could be a formidable player in the Omaha music scene. Look for it in The Reader — it won’t be online until I get back in town (though I plan on attending this). This will mark the first One Percent Productions show at this venue, and will be make-or-break on a number of levels (in my opinion). Let’s hope it’s “make.”

One more bombshell to drop before I leave… Though it’s no secret to those who are close to the Omaha music scene, there could be a “supergroup” of sorts opening the Sept. 6 M Ward show at the Scottish Rite Hall. Rumor has it that performing as part of McCarthy Trenching will be Conor Oberst and Maria Taylor. Now, I haven’t been able to confirm this with the band, but I’ve been told by people close to this show that it’s a done deal. As far as I know, Oberst will only be playing as part of McCarthy Trenching, he won’t be doing any of his own music. Maria will likely be behind the drum kit. I wouldn’t be surprised, however, if Oberst doesn’t help out Mr. Ward on a couple numbers, either. If I hear more about this, I’ll pass it on when I get back in town.

Enjoy the shows, and I’ll see you when I see you…

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