David Dondero and Chaos the Cat tonight at Ming Toy Gallery…

Category: Blog — Tags: , — @ 10:35 am September 18, 2024
David Dondero performs tonight at Ming Toy Gallery in Benson.

by Tim McMahan,  Lazy-i.com

The day has arrived: Tonight at Ming Toy Gallery, 6066 Maple Street in Benson, singer/songwriter/author David Dondero performs music and reads from his new novel, Chaos the Cat

Dondero was – and remains – an influential fixture of Omaha’s indie music scene. Read all about him in this interview published last week in support of this show.

A few items of note if you’re planning to attend:

  • – This is a limited-capacity engagement – only 40 people will be allowed in. Showtime is 7 p.m. We’ll be there after 6 p.m. preparing the space, so arrive early and check out the art.
  • – There are no pre-show ticket sales. A $15 donation is requested at entry, but for $25 you’ll also get a copy of the book. A big, burly, very tough bouncer will be at the door (named Craig).
  • – Ming Toy doesn’t provide seating. We’ll have some fold-out stools available (courtesy of BFF), but bring your own chair if you want to guarantee the ability to sit down. Or sit on the floor. Or stand.
  • – The program consists of music, then reading, then Q&A (moderated by the very tall Rob Walters) followed by more music. Not sure how long it’ll last but it’ll definitely wrap up by 10. 
  • – BYOB. We’ll have a cooler of ice water on hand.
  • – Check out the art! The current show is called “Vox Humana” and is curated by Mari Dailey. Here’s a brief video that explains the show. If you want more info or want to purchase anything, see me or Teresa.

Need more info? Click here. Should be a tons of fun. See you tonight!

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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at Lazy-i.com — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.

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