An Iris Pattern signs with Hilfiger; Bright Eyes heads to California; The Life and Times tonight…

Category: Blog — @ 6:01 pm September 26, 2006

A couple hot little items to pass along on a quiet Tuesday.

I got a call from Greg Loftis of An Iris Pattern last night, inviting me to a last-minute gig at O’Leaver’s. The reason for the show: To prepare for another show the band will be performing next Monday at an art gallery in New York City. According to Loftis, An Iris Pattern will indeed be the first band represented on Tommy Hilfiger’s new record label. The as-yet-unnamed label (Hilfiger doesn’t want his name involved, apparently) is in talks now regarding distribution (Atlantic Records is one name being tossed around). Loftis said the deal is 100 percent in the bag, and that a second act also will be joining An Iris Pattern on Hilfiger’s label. “Tommy wants to show people what we sound like,” Lofits said of the NYC gallery show. “It’s playtime for him, but it’s our lives.”

Another bit of news, word has it that Bright Eyes has wrapped up recording in Omaha and has been working in Lincoln at Presto! studios to finish up the new album. Whether any more work continues at Presto! or not, chances are that the Bright Eyes album will mark the last project before the Lincoln studio closes for good and reopens full time in Omaha. Saddle Creek confirmed that Bright Eyes will now head to California at the beginning of October to do some mixing on the project.

Allen Epley’s (ex-Shiner) new project The Life and Times will be taking the stage tonight at O’Leaver’s. The KC trio also includes Eric Abert (Ring, Cicada) and Chris Metcalf (Stella Link). Good with Guns opens. $9:30 p.m., $5.

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