Magü, Cable Network, Lightning Stills Saturday; Carver Jones & The American Dreamers Sunday…

by Tim McMahan,
Musicwise, we continue to flounder deep in the the heart of the the holiday doldrums. No big “reunion” shows this year as we had in the past (last year it was Icky Blossoms). Oh well, them’s the breaks.
However, there are a few local shows worth checking out this weekend (though nothing tonight).
Saturday night, the sax-swinging combo Magü opens for Bad Self Portraits and headliner Cable Network at The Waiting Room. The last time I saw Magü was at Petfest way back in 2021. We were at the tail end of the pandemic and everyone was freaking out about the Delta Variant, except for those sunning on the white-rock Petshop parking lot.
Back then, I described Magü this way: “Stylistically they describe themselves as psych rock / shoe gaze, but I’d peg them as modern indie with touches of classic rock. I loved the sax player’s tone and style, which merely augmented the songs and didn’t get in the way.” Ah, but that was three years ago. What do they sound like now?
Cable Network is fronted by familiar sound engineer Charlie Ames; and everyone knows Bad Self Portraits by now. Just like old-school rock shows before the pandemic, this one only costs $5. Starts at 8 p.m.
Speaking of old-school rock shows, the holidays will be in full effect Saturday night at fabulous O’Leaver’s where local shit-kickers Lightning Stills headlines a show with Lincoln electronic duo Vempire and Spurney’s Hawk. Expect lots of Santa/elf hats donned by leather-clad drunks. What more could you ask for? How ’bout it’s FREE and starts at 9 p.m. (O’Leaver’s Time).
Sunday night is the long-awaited (by me, anyway) performance by Carver Jones and the American Dreamers at Reverb Lounge. I interviewed Carver back in early November upon the release of his single, “Hit the Road (Jack),” wherein I asked if he could be the “next big thing” out of Omaha. Below is his latest single, released just a couple weeks ago. I dig his music, but can he bring it on stage? Penny and the Dimes opens this one at 8 p.m. $12.
And that’s all I got. If I missed your show, put it in the comments section.
For those wondering, I’ll post my annual Year in Review round-up (recap, favorite albums, favorite shows) early next week.
Have a great weekend!
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2024 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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