Steelhouse Omaha on its booking strategy, Live Nation, Ticketmaster, local acts and indie music (in the column)…

by Tim McMahan,
The May issue of The Reader is out and in its pages is my column that features an interview with Omaha Performing Arts President Joan Squires and Steelhouse booking director Erika Hansen.
The lengthy article covers a wide range of topics, including their recent legacy-act bookings and how they fit into one of their missions of bringing younger people downtown, why they chose Live Nation as their exclusive promoter, their thoughts on Ticketmaster, fan discontent over The Killers quick sell-out, using local acts as openers and the options for booking touring indie acts. And more.
The article is in the new issue of The Reader which may or may not be on newsstands now (I couldn’t find one last night), but it’s also online right here on The Reader website.
The interview took place late last month via Zoom and I decided to put the story online now since people would be buzzing about last night’s insider Steelhouse sneak preview. There’s more to the interview than made it into the article, and I intend to put a bow on the story sometime next week in Lazy-i. Until then, here’s the story…
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Read Tim McMahan’s blog daily at — an online music magazine that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the national indie music scene with a special emphasis on the best original bands in the Omaha area. Copyright © 2023 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.
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