Capgun Coup captured in documentary (in production)…

Category: Blog — Tags: , — @ 12:57 pm June 8, 2010

The following came in the ol’ email this morning from Liz Lawson at deusexmachinapr:

“About a couple weeks ago, producer Steve LaBate (formerly of Paste Magazine) and director Scott Sloan, the filmmakers behind the upcoming documentary 40 Nights of Rock & Roll, were in town, where they were fortunate enough to watch one of Omaha’s best bands Capgun Coup.  You can watch a bit of the footage here:”

The filmmakers were apparently at a Capgun show at The Brothers’ Lounge, judging by the clip, which includes some footage of Sam Martin and Co. talking outside on the sidewalk — there’s no actual performance footage. It’s a strange clip. According to the project’s website, the filmmakers are trying to answer the burning question: “What’s the current state of rock & roll in America? Has true rock and roll been reduced to a few dark corners and dive bars? Are there modern rock bands that are ready to fill the arena-sized shoes of bands like AC/DC and Judas Priest?”

The publicist mentioned that the filmmakers recently interviewed Paul Westerberg and taped him performing a couple acoustic songs. “They’re just about done their road trip, but the hard work is still ahead of them, as they begin the editing process on the thousands of hours of film that they’ve collected, and start work on the companion book.” Will we ever actually see a finished film? Your guess is as good as mine…

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