Happy Cassadaga Day, Simon Joyner on Team Love, Man Man tonight…

Category: Blog — @ 5:52 pm April 10, 2007

That enormous thud that you heard reverberating around the world is Cassadaga dropping today. I heard Oberst on NPR’s Morning Edition this morning, talking about how much he loved that Florida town, how magical it is. Meanwhile, The OWH ran another story about the album artwork, again featuring supertalented artist Zack Nipper (read it here). I wonder if Creek has come up with a stock answer when people e-mail saying that they’ve lost their “decoder thingee” and want a new one. Will they be selling extra decoders in the online store?

I noticed writing my column before work this morning (it’s online tomorrow) that Simon Joyner has joined Team Love Records, at least as far as his digital assets are concerned. You can now download early Joyner records from iTunes, including Room Temperature, The Lousy Dance and Songs for the New Year, thanks to Team Love. Missing, my all-time favorite Joyner album, The Cowardly Traveller Pays His Toll. Why?! Anyway, read about the Simon/Team Love connection here.

Tonight at The Waiting Room, it’s the fun-loving dirges of Man, Man with Icy Demons and Omaha’s own Black Squirrels. $10, 9 p.m..

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